Jun 21, 2013 00:33
V: So a girl went to a music festival, went backstage, met 20+ musicians & only gave one blowjob behind her b/f's back. By Michigan standards that's "monogamous"
C: Ugh.
V: Considering the typical result of that situation would be a gang bang followed by "Of course it's your baby, honey" I'd say he's pretty lucky.
C: Still ugh.
V: Audience please note that she is not actually disagreeing with me at any point. ;)
C: Ha!!!
V: C'mon, any guy who let's his g/f go to a 3 day music festival with a backstage pass is basically begging to catch gonaherpasyphalaids. Like I said, he's lucky.
V: Because let's face it: Having sex with a musician is like using a dildo you found in a dumpster.
C: Gee, thanks.
V: Not that there aren't plenty of hot female musicians... it's just that bleach makes my balls itch.
C: Ha!
my text life,