The settlers have built their (rather ramshackle) homes in a small meadow of the sparse forest that surrounds the riverside. Felix' idea really, as he feels happiest amongst the trees for some reason. Noone really wanted to be located far away from the others in this remote area, resulting in the small huddle of houses you can see below.
It's a bit of a trek to get to the river for water, but they all feel safer beneath the shelter the trees provide, and they're not sure yet if the river will overflow during the wetter seasons. Best to play it safe.
Felix started off the week bringing the expedition together for some socialising. I love to see relationships between Sims form naturally and let them roam freely for a day or so with no entertainment but eachother's company.
A lot of the settlers aren't used to having Nate around just yet. He gives poor Arthur the willies.
The brothers sure get a lot of weirded-out stares.
Rose: "I can't decide which one's more disturbing: the green one or the blue stinky one?"
Arthur: "Blue stinky one, definitely."
Nate's grouchy personality doesn't help with getting him any friends, either. He seemed to think pestering poor Lily was the height of hilarity.
Not everyone's as prejudiced though, and Violet spent a lot of time hanging out with Teddy. They get along very well, despite being polar opposites both aspiration and personality wise :)
Myra and Davin only had eyes for eachother...
I think Lily went to talk to them in order to pick up a couple of tips, because soon after, ACR gave me my first couple :)
Ahw yes! Being the founder of the city, I really wanted Felix to get himself a nice girl to settle down and have lots of furry babies with. Lily and Felix are a huge success, having 3 bolts with eachother, besides being almost sickeningly cute :)
After the town gathering, Felix settled down for a nice bath. The bathroom's not much to look at and the tub's a bit splintery, but after weeks trekking through the land, he's not about to go around complaining.
No electricity means no lamps, either, and the settlers are having to make do with candles to get light in the evenings. It looks very pretty, but I've got the feeling Felix isn't really convinced.
Arrroooooooooo! Felix' first in-game transformation. His personality will change along the next couple of nights, becoming increasingly more active, playful and outgoing, but dropping dramatically in terms of niceness and cleanliness. It's very likely those perfect three bolts with Lily Lovelace will change during the process :(
His extra waking hours at night are sure to come in handy though. He doesn't have much more to do right now apart from stalking around the yard a bit batting at fireflies, and eating up a whole lot of food. This could be a problem, as I'm intending to have Myra and Davin provide for the community, and the fridges can't be refilled after their initial stock has been depleted, except by their produce.
Morning comes and brings another transformation. Felix seems pretty stoic about it all.
Busy at work calculating taxes, hence the big grin :P He's taken up the mantle of leadership rather reluctantly, but seems to be doing well so far. There isn't much to govern in town as of yet, though that will change soon enough, I'm sure.
I'm taking wants into account a whole lot more than usual in this hood, and Felix wanted to earn a creativity skill point, so I had him pull out his easel for some painting during his furry hours.
He also wanted to call a repairman, but I'm afraid those aren't available just yet. You'll have to take up that plunger yourself, Felix.
Local cheese fanatic Arthur Picklethorpe came over for a visit, and nearly broke a knuckle trying to knock on Felix' door.
They spent the afternoon playing games and doing whatever it is two men do when they are together.
Seems they get along really well, and Arthur is Felix' first best friend! :)
Davin dropped by to gossip about Nate. According to those flames, he's furious with him! I'll have to check that, but if it's true I'll have unlocked by first Law career position. I really didn't think two Sims would get furious with eachother this quickly oO
Lily came over for some smoochies. Seeing as there's no telephones in town yet, either, interaction and socialisation is based purely on whoever happens to walk by the house and can be snatched up quickly enough.
Felix' place seems rather popular, and Violet joined the little get together. She's not very interested in whatever Davin has to tell her about the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle.
Davin takes out his frustration on Lily. Why does everyone pick on that poor girl?
Encouraged by his contacts with the other settlers, Felix managed to get promoted to Lobbyist. According to the rules, he now can't advance in the career until he's made best friends with someone who has maxed out mechanical skill points, unlocking electricity for the town.
I played every household for one day before starting the actual rotation, to get a feel of my Sims and see what they gravitated towards. Rose Lovelace actually rolled the want to gain a mechanical skillpoint on her first day (and fulfilled it), so I designate her as the town's techsavvy chick.
Felix: "Ah, Rose! Just the girl I was looking for! You know, this town really could do with a better infrastructure, and I heard you knew a thing or two about mechanics... So could you maybe help me out there?"
Rose will be happy to help, but proceeds to badmouth her own sister, Lily, in front of Felix. Stop that right there young lady, I know what you're up to! Damn Romance Sims.
Felix spends the weekend solving sudoku's in some old newspapers he brought along...
...and practices his rethoric skills in front of the mirror. He really looks rather savage when all wolved-out, I have to admit. Lily's bound to be in for a bit of a shock when she finds out her man runs around covered in fur during the night.
The week was wrapped up with another town meeting. I'm planning on having these every sunday, just to get the whole town together.
Myra shocked me by professing her attraction to Teddy Babbling. That's going to go well, what with her husband harboring a grudge against his brother oO
Felix' kitchen was duly admired by the ladies. Lily's got a thing or two to say about his cooking, apparently. Maybe she likes her steak well-done, not rare.
Or maybe she's tired of being the town's punchbag. She really gets pushed around a lot, alternatively by Nate and Davin, who seem to at least have their contempt for her in common :(
At least Nate found someone who likes him. Really, Rose? You're getting THAT desperate? Oh brother.
After which everyone was asked to PLEASE LEAVE RIGHT NOW, as Felix felt another furry episode coming on. He doesn't need his fellow settlers to see him like this just yet.
And that's about it for Felix' first week in town :) Hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I did playing it ^^