By now every one knows that monsterousity of a song that is leading the world down the road to mental retardation like dorthy down the yellow brick road, "My Humps". In shear bordem, because MadTV had done a sketch on Atlanis Morreset naked in her video "Thank you" I went looking for the real video and found another video that made me both laugh and cry at the same time, Atlanis Morreset redoing "My Humps" its an experience one must have for yourself
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For one thing, I had forgoten that Atlanis has an absolutely beautiful voice and her rework of this song turned a proverbial steaming pile of doggy poo into still a steaming pile of doggy poo but at least it is on a plaque, plated with gold and nicely polished hanging on her living room wall. I share the same sentiment every one else seemed to have in that "She turned shit into a beautiful thing", and "that it's sad she waisted such a beautiful peice of music on such a silly song" One thing I am sure of, looking at Atlanis's Track record with her political views and various "J and Silent bob" movies in which she has appeared as the silent yet quarky portrail of god that this was to be a joke and not taken seriously. The good news is no one has, and they have mostly agreeing that the origional sucked, her version makes it listenable, and that it must be some kind of slap in the face to Fergi, or at least thats what they want it to be.