Je t'aime mes amis ♥

May 09, 2011 16:15

Lately I've been thinking about how much I love my friends.

One the way home from school today, one of my friends asked me if I'd join the schools Gay-Straight-Alliance (honestly I didn't know we had one. I would have joined long ago if I had...), anyways, the conversation was interrupted by another one of my friends (I'll call her Appa for convenience's sake since she's unofficially married to my Micky-Umma (Who, if no one knows, is my parental, motherly, my-real-parents-trust-her-to-keep-me-from-my-inevitable-early-a.d.d-aspired-death friend) ) butting in and commenting about my sexuality.
(Really, she claims to be straight, but out of us all, she acts the most... anyways, we all know she's just a closet case.) 
So in the end we all ended up ganging up on her to try "Getting her out of the closet". It was really comical really cause we were in the middle of the street and she was yelling "I'm straight! I like boys!" (Appa you pedo). It got to the point where I claimed hit on her until she admitted she liked girls, and to be honest, I know she's not gay cause I think the idea of me liking her more than a friend freaked her out.  And of course I told her she wasn't my type (she isn't.) to calm her down... And then Umma asked me "So just what is your type?"

Honestly I was kind of reluctant to answer. I don't really talk about girls with my friends cause it gets sort of awkward (like now). But I did tell her I guess. (If anyone's curious, I like tall slim, girls. and when I say tall I really do mean tall, think runway model with a little less anorexia.)

And of course Umma had to crack a joke at my expense. Not that I'm not used to it since apperantly I'm easy to make fun of and jokes are often cracked at my expense. But it did make it a lot less awkward....

I don't know. I just feel like it's an unwritten law that I'm not supposed to speak of my sexuality in front of my friends. Even when I first came out to them in eighth grade, i quickly added a "I'm joking!" to the end just because I was so damn nervous about what they'd say, but I guess they all really know it wasn't a joke. (And if they do think I"m just joking, I still love them for not saying anything overtly hurtful.) And I guess that's the first time I really talked about my sexuality comfortably with a friend.

I digress. The entire point in this was to say that I love my friends and that I'm really happy that they don't judge me (but at the same time, they're always keeping me from doing dumb things.) and they listen to what I have to say when I really need to talk. And yeah, I just really love them all.


naya: my joys, non-fandom related post, naya: hwaiting!, naya: just saying...

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