
Apr 14, 2011 23:49

Hey everyone~!

It's been a while. Everyone must think I'm dead eh? I'm not.

I hope people have missed me (or remembered me at that). I've decided to come out of hiding. This decision came, of course, from the tragic death of half my fanfictions when my dad accidentaly erased my harddrive -__-||  Anyways, yea, I still have a lot of the stuff on Berlin (that's the name of my storage/work comuter by the way) but I have to re-write some things, and I've decided that all in all it's better to get things up before something tragic happens once more.

I also have some belated requests to finish. So those will be first /nods

Anyways, expect updates starting tomorrow ;3

muah~♥ I love you guys

xoxo Naya

naya: my joys, non-fandom related post, naya: hwaiting!, naya: my sorrows, naya: just saying...

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