(no subject)

Mar 09, 2005 07:44

So, I broke my record of consistently posting. But I was down for the count. Insulin resistant problems. I even forgot to feed the fish yesterday. New insulin now and a renewed determination not to be so stubborn about eating what I want. Pay attention to the body. If my body is telling me to take a break and eat really simple, and small meals...I should pay attention.

While I was sick some exciting things happened.

1. I went to the focus group for the Art Seeds project, with the portfolio I cobbled together. I think I may have a good chance at being selected as lead artist and above all the really cool things about the project (site specific installations that incorporate gardens, growth...) it pays really well.

2. Funding came through for the Sundog reading on the 2nd of April. The poets who come out will get paid. It puts me in a much better place to apply for more funds from the arts council for year round readings. exciting.

3. Studio mate B is moving out of his half of the studio. If something comes about....the space could be doubled into his....exciting.

4. The July Sundog will take place at the folk festival here meaning great exposure, and more poets getting paid a little.


5. renewed conversations with the boy in Minneapolis.

6. Commissions for two pieces of clothing, one a grad dress for this totally cool young woman and the other a crazy pair of pants for this pretty cool guy.

7. um....is that it? maybe. I think I'm forgetting something.

oh, new competition for the Winnipeg folk festival, design a permanent fountain for the site....that is exciting.

so, things happen. try my best, show up. that's all a person can do. seems to be working so far. that's exciting.

8. managed to do leg and stomach/back exercises the last few days. that is fucking exciting.
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