NEW RELIENT K CD!!!!!! that's right!!!! i LOVE them! definantly my fav band of all time. now I have a brand new cd to memorize, and listen to till my rents kill it. I'v been kinda busy lately, just not much time to write in here. wow I LOVE this cd. ever had one of those bands u just never get sick of listening too? i can relate to every lyric. it's insanity. Disciple now is this weekend!!! brandon and mariah are coming. i finished the five ppl u meet in heaven. definantly my new favorite book. mitch album does it again. i dunno...i could've done a better ending but hey. brandon and joan wanna borrow it now. listening to rk reminds me of kd...*head bangs* i LOVE GOD *more head bangidge*
snoopy call backs were today...we started a mosh pit. i saw hil a lot today. that was great. she gave me a kit kat bar. thats my fav candy bar! we met Spamunkle the dancing walrus pixie and now we have to steel his tie. you know...i really LOVE being a kid. i wouldnt trade it for anything. i have the rest of my life to grow up. right now im perfectly content tackling hil in the hallway, dancing like an idiot to rk, and rollerblading through my kitchen. i take stuff way too whose up for going ice skating??? Zanna, you're definantly coming.
I really just wanna go run around outside and do cart wheels in my backyard. i cant do cartwheels, but its fun to try. ya gotta LOVE this constant midlife crisis i live in at age 16. ok so next sunday, mike, hil, kev, nate, zan, and bo (i managed to abreviate all there names! *high fives self*) u kids are coming over here. we may go rollerblading...not sur where...but it sounds fun. would you all do that for me please? I think the reason I'm so drawn to ppl like zan, bo, and nate is becuz the let me be a kid and just have fun. i saw nathan for about 15 secs at the balfour thing. we started making weird hand gestures back in forth then noticed ppl were staring.
i saw christie at the audition. she was talking about what a jerk nathan is, everyone says that but i guess i just dont see it. he and wev are complete opposites.
certain ppl are just healthy for me, being with zan, kev, nate, mike and hil for some reason always boosts my self esteem. do u know how great it feels to be in a room and just know that every single person in that room LOVES you unconditionally. i never have to be fake with them. they will never stop LOVing me no matter what. I LOVE them too, with everything i have. u never go unnoticed, i was by myself for about 30 seconds and then was attacked by kevin, nathan, and michael for being to emo. please come next weekend guys.
I've decided it's too much to bottle up when stuff hurts me. therefore my solution is to not let stuff hurt me at all. i will be nihilistic so stuff wont hurt me. it worked this wednesday finding out stuff that normally wouldve killed me. la la la, i feel great! here's a pic from tuesday because it was super fun dancing in alleys and force feeding each other Qdoba. i LOVE brandon, ur awesome kiddo, domt forget it.