I did not meet the deadline imposed by Lis and my
WotF pact. I did, however, write an ending that I really like. It works for the story, has somewhat of an interesting twist, and succeeds in capturing a sense of my personal philosophy of the moment. It's satisfying because I didn't even know what I was going for when I sat down to write it. It felt like one of those rare moments of inspiration, where quasi-unconscious thoughts solidify themselves into a scene that captures what I didn't even realize I was trying to say. It felt like a breakthrough. I'm not sure I've ever written an ending in a creative work that satisfied me. I've been stuck writing middles of stories for a long time.
I'm going to press on with this story and see if I can finish it by the end of April. Another month should be enough time, especially when I'm going to be unemployed in three weeks. Once that's finished, I would very much like to finish the 3/4 complete screenplay I started over a year ago, and submit to the Austin Film Festival screenplay contest by their May 15 or June 1 deadline. During this time I will only be working graduations on the weekend, which will give me many blissful days to fully devote to writing.
I'm not sure what's going to happen beyond this summer when money eventually runs out. There will be many decisions to make regarding jobs and living arrangements, and I really don't know what I want to do yet. Right now I think going to try and ride it out and enjoy my time off.