(no subject)

Jan 17, 2017 11:00

We had a thunderstorm roll through very early this morning, which normally I would enjoy, but it brought with it a massive pressure drop, so I woke up with ice picks digging through the front of my face. :P Also, Jack apparently decided that after 11 years of not caring about thunderstorms, they suddenly make him nervous, and he required nose booping (my nose) and snuggles. It's the first sign of stress he's shown since we lost Hermione, really. I'm also becoming concerned that what I thought was him trying and failing to hurk up a hairball might be feline asthma -- I should get him to the vet in the next few weeks, I think.

In other news, no one told me doorknobs can just break. That you can grab a doorknob and turn it and it turns, but nothing happens. And yet, I found myself unable to get into the linen closet a few days ago, because the damn doorknob broke. And, of course, both my toolbox and my migraine meds (!) were on the other side of said door. Luckily, I had determination and a Leatherman, and if that knob wasn't broken before I got it off, it was by the time I did. New doorknob added to the list of stuff I need from the Crafty Beaver.

(I'm not making that up, that is actually the name of the local hardware chain, which I find vastly preferable to Hell Depot.)

I am planning on attending the Chicago Women's March on Saturday, so that's going to be interesting. I'm planning to hang with the Planned Parenthood contingent, and I'm pleased that the weather is supposed to be reasonably nice. Not nice enough, sadly, to be able to visibly wear my "Ask Me About My Feminist Agenda" t-shirt, but nice. Also, pink hats are apparently de riguer, although I cannot knit, and so cannot lay my hands on a pussyhat in time.
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