one hundred by one hundred

Oct 16, 2007 16:43

Oh, I know, I know. Another icon meme. But I think this one is fun. Please join in! :)

Comment and I'll pick seven of your icons, and then you will explain why you love/are using the icon (who doesn't love talking about their icons, seriously) and then post your explanation/this meme in your journal for other people to squee about their icons, and basically it will be a huge squeefest of love and 100x100 square pixels.

Picked by clearthe_area

1 - This icon is by wednesday_icons. It's one of my oddest icons because I was never a HUGE fan of Dawn. And I was never a Dawn/Spike shipper, but for some reason I loved this picture of them together, and the text/lyrics fit so perfectly. Also I've always loved black and white icons with bits of red.
2 - This icon is by chouchoune and it's one of my all-time favourite icons of Sark. I love the colours she used (people tend to shy away from yellow) and the cropping and obstruction is so lovely. :)
3 - Pretty sure everyone and their uncle made an icon of this scene but for some reason I really liked this one by dtissagirl. I'm a huge lover of S1 Veronica Mars and I felt let down by S2 and I hated S3, but this quiet moment between Veronica and Logan was a nice step back to S1. I decided to keep this icon in my collection because it was a cute scene, and it reminds me that not everything after S1 was a complete disaster. ;)
4 - This icon of Rose is by me! I just really loved this screencap of her. Billie Piper has this amazing ability to look amazingly beautiful in almost every single cap of her, but I really love the ones where she's looking down. In this one it's a combo of her hair falling in her face and her ever-present thick mascara that makes this icon pretty.
5 - ZOMG, this is one of my funniest icons and it's made by toastandtea. Samuel T. Anders is totally made of awesome. Of course the fact that the words COCKBLOCK are plastered over it make this icon even better. I just couldn't stop laughing the first time I saw it and now whenever I use it, it kinda brightens my day.
6 - I made this icon for rosetyler_lims and I'm really proud of it. I can't remember the details but I know I had some issues with the blending due to Rose's hair but I think it turned out pretty good and I just love this scene with Rose. I also adored her hair all braided and I wish she had more episodes with her hair all girly and braided.
7 - I just made this one last week. It's a quote from Pushing Daises (my new OBSESSION!) where Ned tells Chuck she can't go see her aunts and says " You can have your pie, but you can't eat it. That's the way it works." I just loved the execution of that line and had to make an icon of it. I also got lazy and manually drew in that pie. I know it's SO BAD but at the time it seemed okay and now I'm too lazy to go back and get a better image. :P

Picked by saint_renegade:

1 - This is an icon I made from a larger wallpaper I made. It was actually my first GOOD manip and I got so excited and immediately made icons of Syd and Sark's badassness. :) Sadly, I lost the .psd version of it when my computer crashed and only have the .jpg and can't go back to see how I did it. :P
2 - I made this icon as well and it's of the always adorkable David Anders. I just love his scrunched up nose when he laughs. So cute! HEE!
3 - This icon is by _boxofmemories. I rarely use this icon but whenever I go to delete it, I kinda giggle at how ridiculously 'blonde' and ditzy Amanda was in that movie and then I keep it.
4 - Icon by tiredangel18. Best quote in Dead Like Me. And very fitting for most life situations. Ah, I miss that show.
5 - This icon was by by _weareromantics and it pretty much sums up Sark. Anti-hero, badass, sex god. Plus that scene where he's driving his convertible all sexily up the hill next to Syd was hot.
6 - See #5 response above. :)
7 - This is a fun icon by letsey_x of Martha Jones and Doctor Who. I almost feel guilty for shipping Martha/Ten because the OTP is Ten/Rose, but Martha is the next best thing and she kicks ass and she's Misses JONES! <3

Woo, that was fun! :D

tv: doctor who, tv: pushing daisies, meme, random, tv: veronica mars, tv: dead like me, icons, tv: alias, tv: bsg

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