"I know you can heal but I never want to see you hurt." BARF!

Oct 16, 2007 10:12

I'm a little on the fence about last night's Heroes. This is going to be out of order because I was too tired to make running notes.

• I don't know about anyone else, but I missed Kensei and Hiro. Mostly Kensei, because I miss seeing Sark's David's face on tv. I said it before and I'll say it again. I'm all about the Hiro & Kensei Show!

• I wasn't bowled over by Maya and Alejandro before, but now that they're interacting with an existing Hero (though I guess Sylar = Anti-Hero?) they are much more interesting and I kinda don't want Sylar to slice their heads open.

• I actually like Monica's character. She's got a connection to an existing Hero (Micah and Nikki&LD by default) and her power is pretty kickass. She's not an empath like Peter, but she's got the next best thing being mimicking skills. I'm kinda pissed at how the previews give so much away (Monica's wresting move for example). I know it was pretty obvious from her making the tomato rosette that she'd be able to mimic the wrestling move, but I'd like some sense of intrigue.

• Nathan working with Matt has got me all excited about more intermingling of existing Heroes. :) WTF is wrong with Nathan's head? He keeps seeing himself all burned. I think he needs to put down the bottle and get a grip. At least he shaved though. :) No more PASBEARD!! (his sons are cute too)

• And over at La Casa de M Cubed...OMG can Matt and Mohinder be ANYMORE GAY?? HA! I love them. Even if they bicker and disagree about Molly like and old married couple. I love how Matt kisses her forehead, so cute! But seriously? This looks bad for Matt/Mo. Matt guilting Molly into looking for his dad (WTF?!! MATT'S DAD IS THE NIGHTMARE MAN!? did NOT see that coming at all!) and now she's in a coma. Mo is not going to he happy.

• Like I said in the subject line. BARF to PeterPan's LAME-ASS speech to Claire. Am I the only one rolling my eyes over him? I actually changed the channel because I couldn't bare anymore Claire/PeterPan crap. And then I missed some of Nathan's scenes and I was devastated. Grrr, I hate West.

• I seem to have missed Claire's excuse to her dad why she was out so late (because I was bored to tears with Claire/West). So did she pretend to be at a cheerleading rally or something?

• For some reason I laughed really hard when the Haitian was all. "We're going to Odessa....UKRAINE!" BAHAHAHA! Actually my mum's best friends are from Odessa and in S1 of Heroes I was always wondering if Odessa, Tx was real or made up. The only thing that bothered me, is that in the preview for next week, it looks like they're in Moscow with The Kremlin, which is REALLY far from Odessa. O_e (It's almost as bad as seeing the Pyramids out of every window in Cairo, because we all know that happens ALL THE TIME!)

• NEXT WEEK: Apparently nothing is what is seems. Matt's wife shows up with a baby, Nathan thinks he sees Peter's body in some rubble. Speaking of Peter... please come back and open the goddamn BOX! Oh, and KBell comes on the show and raises some havoc. I'm a little worried about her joining the cast. Right now it's pretty much 50/50 for people that are ZOMG! so excited for her to join the cast and people who are fucking tired of her camera-whoring. I dunno what side I'm on right now. I still have a huge soft spot for Veronica Mars S1, but other than that I wanna claw my eyes out with the utter horridness of S2 and S3. And part of me wonders if I fell in love with the character of S1 Veronica Mars and was never really in love with KBell. I'm not sure. But I do know I hated her S3, so we'll see how next week's ep goes. I hope it's not ALL. ABOUT. HER. and more equal with exploring the other characters as well.

Today is Tuesday! Which means Gossip Girl on CTV at 7 (I have yet to watch a whole episode from start to finish, not sure why, but I'll try to tonight.) and Pushing Daisies on CTV at 8!! I'm excited for some kissing-through-celophane!! ;)

tv: veronica mars, tv talk, tv: heroes, tv: pushing daisies

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