Aug 02, 2008 12:25
Hope this finds all doing good. Dr appt thurs went decent at least have an understanding of whats going on with my body and how to handle it.
GO in monday for an ultrasound and transvaginal to double check if the cyst is back on right ovary if it is the gyn is GOING to take it out this time.
I am 39 have no uterus and not having anymore kids and im not going to endure golf ball size cyst 2-3 x a year for no reason.
Russ is an ass as usual but last few days alittle better. Russ steven and his girlfriend and I wnet to see raw and ecw wrestling lastnight my pics is my man john cena wow hot man.
It was an awesome time over all. Saw batista and kane up pretty close leaving and was ring side when john wrestled for first part so was great.
We were out watching them leave and some kid Stevens gf went to school with well she tapped the kid on the head to i guess kinda say hi (steven didnt see this)
the kid tapped her back Steven saw that and flipped cause he touched his gf. Needless to say russ was holding steven back cops came and then later steven punched a cement wall hence a trip to the er until 3am.
My kid has such a damn temper and once he has the idea he isnt listening to what anyone says until he is calmed down.
Even though couldnt really afford it got a shirt there but hey my week not smoking in the hospital i saved that much lol.
WEll I have to get son his pain meds talk to you later all take care!!!!!!!!!!!