Sep 22, 2011 01:16
Just when you thought something wouldn't happen, or rather it is already too late for it to happen, guess what? It just happened. No, I'm not talking about love or being in love with someone or something or whatnot, but damn that would be really nice right now. Come to think of it, I can help but always look at the road leading to her place.
I meant, of all things to forget when leaving the house, it's got to be money. It's like the most basic thing you'll need out there. Money for gas or commute, food, shopping and whatnot. It's not like it's the first time I forgot my spending money but hey, I had spares and change for at least the transport fare back and forth. I can live through that, but ending up with no spares at all at your destination is definetly a trip down to Hurtsville.
And I was completely unaware of it. I was just minding my business at school, taking down notes about deadlines and peeking on computer laboratories hoping it would be empty. Gradually it worked on an appetite and since the newly renovated McDo is just begging to sell a cheeseburger, off I go. So there I was at the counter itching to pay then to my surprise, nothing. Aside from being embarrassed to cancel my order, there goes food and aside from food, panic raced at the back of my face with the thought of how the hell I would reach home from this predicament. Fortunately enough, Aya's a school staff, non-teaching but nevertheless, and Gerard who has a night class which I could borrow money from. Bless their souls.
I was hoping for Sir Pepe's "guidance" on my "thesis" subject but I guess, having Ms. Lai as my adviser instead is awesome as well. She was my content evaluator and since I need a signature from both the adviser and the content evaluator, having them both as one person would save me the trouble of tracking one down. Que sera sera.