Jul 05, 2005 18:59
Wow, work kicked my ass today.
I just read some thing from a LJ post about evolution. Very interesting, and of course like anything else relating to it, it HAD to have biblical references in it. What I don't seem to understand is, ok finally we are fusing religion and science, but the problem is, we aren't keeping our minds open. When something like that is discovered, the religions are all amped and say, "Yea, we're right!" Problem is, it really doesn't prove much than what it shows scientifically. Ok, so maybe our Earth is young rather than uber old, but how does that show your opinion of an all mighty creator is correct? Uh...yea, it doesn't. Please, oh please, don't give me the whole "history proves it so" bullshit. Point: Romans. They BELIEVED that there were many gods, and that our monotheistic ideas were wrong. Who's to say that when it comes down to it, we're wrong, and there really is a Zeus running the show? Now granted, I'm happy when people are happy with their chosen path in life, whatever it may be, religion or status wise. Whether it fits my own mold is another story, but in all things, it doesn't have to, or it really shouldn't actually. No one's person is going to fit everyones, nor will it ever, and that I think is the problem. Is we like to force our opinions on people and try to shape them to how we want them to be. What I think I don't understand most about some fanatical religion arguments is the entire "if you aren't (place religion here), than you're going to hell. Well...how is that even POSSIBLY just, good, and righteous, or even going along the lines of what you make your "creator" out to be? Did your jesus ever once say, "Follow me or be struck down into a fiery hell!"?
I talked about this a bit with Davis the other week, and Duck, but the Duck thing is a different story. Basically, Davis is a Christian, and I'm happy that he's happy in what he choses to follow, but what made me solidify the point of him being a good guy, is that he seemed truly interested in what I had to say. I don't think it was so much in the sense of "I want to follow his ways" or anything of the sort, but it was more of a "getting to know this person better" type of thing. If I happened to open a mind a bit further, or at least placed an bit of an idea at least, cool, if not, no problem, but it was nice to have someone truly care about learning me. I try to do it all the time to people (its what I do), but I rarely see it done to me.
I think the main point of this article, is when I fear there is no hope left for this world...there are bits of light that still shine in the dark. What worries me I think, is how many seem to be burning out.
Off to read for a bit before I have to wakeup at 1-2am, peace