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funkyshaz57 October 1 2015, 07:47:05 UTC
Hey! Long time since I've commented on a C/A Fic! I don't read any C/A stuff anymore but I read this when I thought it was a one shot LOL. And then I realized it wasn't so I've read the last two chapters...This chapter irked me so I wanted to comment and say Callie is selfish and kind of a bit stupid.

She's selfish to page Arizona for this, to ask her to do the check then in her own POV of thoughts say that Arizona's ridiculous mood swings aren't her problem and that she never really knew her and still doesn't. Then maybe she shouldn't page her, use her own GF or a friend. It's clear she doesn't know Arizona then if she had to question why Arizona was the way she was.

Sorry for the gripe. Great set of drama, nice writing but Callie's an idiot, I hope Arizona doesn't even think about giving her the time of day after this. She's doing something that isn't her job anymore, Callie wasn't there for her during the episode where the plane crash victim's came in so not sure why Callie thinks she has the right to page Arizona and put her in that awkward position


neolithicdream October 1 2015, 08:29:00 UTC
Well I don't watch Grey's anymore so we're kinda even there 😁. I'm really attempting to write them both as clueless (stupid is a good word too) as to the others feelings and their own) Arizona doesn't see that she still has feelings for Callie , what those feelings are remains to be seen. Callie doesn't even imagine that Arizona might have feelings for her.

Callow called on the person she instinctively wanted with her at this moment, it could have been her gf or Bailey,Meredith but it wasn't. She didn't think beyond instinct. It hasn't occurred to her that she may have feelings for Az.

We know whats going on in the others brains, they dont.

But I appreciate your comment 😁.Thank you


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