My website is up again. This time it's for real and done proper. I'm now using
F5 Hosting to run
my website, so it should be up a much more reasonable amount of time, and perform much, much better. Anyone for whom I am hosting content should expect to see it all moved to the new site very shortly. Incidentally, if anyone is looking for quality webhosting at very good prices, check them out. Their support staff has been absolutely great for me, and I have had no complaints with their services. They have simple, easy-to-use (almost automatic) products for as low as $10 a month. You can even get your very own domain name at
GoDaddy for less than $10 per year. And, no, I've not been paid off.
On work issues, I had a closed-door meeting with Keith (my supervisor) yesterday. To summarize, my planning skills are woefully underdeveloped. I've been leading our current project down a dark and mysterious path that would make the Scooby gang proud. Nobody, not even myself, knew where we were going or how we were going to get there. We were just going, driven by my inexperienced suggestions. I didn't want to stop to make a plan, because that would take time we just didn't have. Of course, not having made that plan has caused us to take even more time stumbling around, and that is just not going to work.
So, Keith has instructed me to stop, let the rest of the team go on to other, more fruitful ventures, and make a damn plan. Start by figuring out how long it's going to take to make a plan. Preplanning. Then, once we have - essentially - figured out what we need to figure out... go ahead and figure it out. Get a good, detailed, "soup-to-nuts" (as he puts it) plan together for how everything for this section of the project is going to get done. Then, and only then, do it. So, the preplanning commenced. It's almost done.
In leisurely news, I manage to play
World of Warcraft some more and have come to the horrible and yet exhilirating conclusion that I must
buy a new video card. The game is simply unplayable in some of the most important parts with my computer's current video processing capabilities.