My NaNoWriMo Main Character Profiles

Nov 03, 2006 19:19

Note: If you would like for me to start posting chapters of my story, then please let me know. Comments are must appriciated!!! Thanks in advancd!

Name: Seto   
Age: 16
Birthdate: June 7  
Weapon: Broadswords

A warrior who was never given the chance to know his parents, Seto is trying to find his purpose in life. Realizing that he owes the people of Gannon Town for raising him and his little sister, Seto is determined to protect them by becoming a skilled broad swordsman. He figures if his father can become a legendary warrior, then so can he. His baby sister, Lily who is suffering from a serious illness, means the word to him. His best friend is a girl name Aura, who he has grown up with. Seto’s strongest point is his determination, which is exactly why he was chosen to find and bring his troubled rival, Raven, back to Gannon Town. Seeing this as a chance to make a name for himself, he accepts the task. Seto’s skills are pretty decent, although they fail to compare to that of Raven’s.

Name: Raven   
Age: 17
Birthdate: July 19
Weapon: Yamato (Samurai Blade)

Like his longtime rival, Seto, Raven too lost his parents at a young age. He’s had a very rough childhood. At one point in his life, he stole so much that he became a wanted criminal at the age of 11. His life on the run brought him to Gannon Town, where he eventually settled down and became one of its officers. He has bonded with two teens, Diana, and Ryan who are his best and only friends. Raven eventually convinced himself that he has nothing to gain by remaining in Gannon Town, claiming “it has no more use to him.” After stealing the Town’s most dangerous possession, he runs off on a quest to make it to “the top of the world.” He is still followed by Diana and Ryan, who are extremely loyal to him. Raven is being tracked and followed by his inferior rival, Seto, and Aura, who are trying to bring him back home. Raven is a very fierce and ruthless opponent, his speed and precision makes him an excellent swordsman.

Name: Aura    
Age: 16
Birthdate: January 29  
Weapon: Fists

Aura is the daughter of Dai-Li, the Guru of Gannon Town. She is very sweet, honest, and often has a hard time expressing her opnion. She’s a nurse at the Gannon Hospital which is where Seto’s sister is residing. While her best friend Seto trains, it is her self appointed mission to protect Lily during her weakened state. While she if off duty, she enjoys practicing her martial arts, in order to show her father that she isn’t “defenseless.” She has mixed feelings about Raven, claiming he is “a confused guy seeking reformation in his own way.” Although everybody thinks she is merely making excuses for him. Against her father’s wishes, she aids Seto on his quest to bring Raven home…before he pays the ultimate price.

Name: Diana
Age: 18
Birthdate: October 11
Weapon: Giant Metal Fan

Often referred to as “serious” and “upfront,” Diana, along with Aura are the only female warriors of Gannon Town. She has lived their all her life, along with her younger brother, Ryan. She has a very open mind, and is trying her best to become a talented musician, although her parents constantly pushed her to master her weapon, which was given to her by her grandmother.  She prefers not to fight, unless it’s necessary. She became very close to Raven, because he was the only person (excluding Ryan) who respect her dreams. In fact, she has even become quite protective off him, acting as his bodyguard whenever Raven is in a weakened state. When Raven decided to leave Gannon Town, she and Ryan follow him, to prove that “he doesn’t have to face things alone.” She, along with Ryan, greatly jeopardizes Seto and Aura’s mission to bring Raven home, despite the fact she is friends with both of them.

Name: Ryan  
Age: 16
Birthdate: July 1
Weapon: Bow and Arrows

Like his big sister Diana, he too is a longtime resident of Gannon Town. He loves to play around allot, but can be serious when the setting is right. He looks up to his big sister Diana, and his very relieved that she has found a friend that really makes her happy. In fact, he is so relieved that he too eventually befriends Raven, and thinks of him as a brother. Ryan is extremely skilled at archery. He an pin a person to a tree at a pretty decent distance. Sailing the deep blue sea is what he wants to do. Considering the possibility of getting the chance to sail, he joins Raven in his quest to make it to “the top of the world.” Although he secretly remains very skeptical of Raven’s goals, claiming that he can only follow him so far. Before leaving Gannon Town, he has a talk with Seto, the two make a deal to team up and save Raven from himself if things get too intense. Despite that, Ryan still acts as a challenging antagonist for Seto and Aura.

Name: Tom   
Age: 16
Birthdate: May 30
Weapon: Hook Swords

He was once the best warrior in his village Tom has become a wonderer. His folks were killed by a saint beast, one of many legendary creatures who were thought to have long been extinct. The creatures now reside in a human vessel, often manipulating their emotions. Due to the loss of his loving parents, he has grown an extreme hatred for anybody whose carries a saint beast spirit within them, and vows to slay them. He eventually crosses paths with Seto and Aura, who finds their mission at first somewhat redundant. His sister, Elena, wishes he’d give up his obsession with hunting down saint beast, for he may meet one that he cannot stop. She instead wishes they could rebuild their lives.

Name: Elena
Age: 15
Birthdate: July 19
Weapon: Magic

Tom’s younger sister, Elena has been traveling with him for the past 5 years. They’ve been constantly on the move, searching for those who have the saint beats within their being. Although she too was saddened at the loss of her parents, she does not wish to seek revenge. Instead, she wants to rebuild her life, more then anything. But she feels powerless to stop her brother’s obsessive and dangerous path. She is a brilliant strategist, and is pretty much the brains of the duo. When she encounters Seto, she forms a huge crush on him, and unlike her brother, honors his quest to find Raven.

nanowrimo, creative, imagination, profiles, characters, stories

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