Survival Of The Bermudians

Sep 12, 2006 19:28

Hey everybody I'm back. I'll skip the long introduction of this entry and get straight to the point. Below I posted 4 questions that some of you might be thinking. If you weren’t thinking of any of these questions then that's alright too, lol. So here are the questions and the answers to them, weather you were wondering or not. :)

1. How bad was Bermuda's Beating from Hurricane Florence?

Well I am pleased to report that the island was barely damaged during the hurricane. We did, however, lose allot of trees, which shouldn't be a shock to anyone. Surprisingly our beaches did pretty well! Normally we lose a hell of allot of sand which takes forever to get back. Trust looks pretty ugly when all the sand from the beaches are swept away, becasue underneath all that unique pinkish sand are hideous sharp rocks. So it's a good thing that's not the case this year. Let's see…what else?

As far as actual houses go, not much flooding took place, since people boarded up their homes pretty well this year. You see before most Bermudians didn't take hurricanes all that serious. But ever since Hurricane Fabian gave us a fatal trouncing 3 years ago... it pretty much served us a major eye opener. Well I learned something new about hurricanes, thanks to Florence. Category 1 hurricanes are capable of making massive tornadoes. I had no idea that a low level hurricane was capable of such things. Speaking of tornadoes, a few damaged the roofs of a few homes. Nobody was hurt, thank God. The Bermuda Airport only suffered small roof damaged, which was dealt with immediately. I remember Hurricane Fabian was so powerful, parrot fish and a few barracudas were found all inside the airport and the runway. So it’s a good thing that it wasn't the case for this year. So yeah that pretty much sums up all the minor damage we took. It was nothing too serious. Oh by the way, nobody was killed. Although 1 14 year old, a 15 year old and a 40 year old were arrested for looting at a shoe store.

2. Was the Bermuda Aquarium affected in anyway?

I'm afraid so. I was just informed that we lost two flamingoes. One was crushed by some trees, and the other suffered a broken leg. I'm afraid the zookeeper had no choice but to put it out of its misery, I prefer not to mention how. I think a few of our boats suffered minor flooding, but that's nothing we can't handle. There are just lots of dead trees to pick up and exhibits to rebuild, which kind of sucks. Three years ago Fabian caused us to pretty much start from scratch. Allot of our flamingoes had gone missing, debris such as boat parts, chunks of roofs totally messed with a few our marine tanks. So once again, Bermuda took these kinds of things more seriously, hence why we do so much better during hurricanes then allot of other places in the world. Other then that, BAMZ (Bermuda Aquarium Museum And Zoo) did quite well during the storm, and will be open in a few days, along with schools.

3. Did I sustain any injury during the hurricane?

Yes...and no. Ok well when the storm was starting to leave (keeping in mind it was still somewhat rough) my friend Ryan and I went outside to check on things. We noticed one of our neighbors was foolishly trying to save their bike from being crushed by falling tree branches. Then again, we wasn't supposed to be outside anyway, but we had to make sure everything was ok...that's what the neighborhood hired us for! So we ran over there to assist him, a decision which I regret. When Ryan and I got there we helped him move his bike, which was kind of a piece of junk. So I'm thinking to myself "why am I saving a bike that looks like it's about to kick the stand any day now?" Then it happened, the sound of the flapping power lines caught our attention. I slowly began to back away, and then I heard a loud SNAP from above. "THE TREE!" I screamed. How did I forget all about it? I looked up and watched as some big branches came crashing down. What's funny is that I could have dodged most of it, but my body wasn’t moving...Ryan then ran by my side, attempting to tackle me out of the way, I think. He didn't put enough power in it, so it was as if we were embracing before our demise. Before I knew it, we were buried under cold wet pieces of trees branches. Lucky for us we weren’t all that hurt, a few scraped here and there, but fine nonetheless.

But Ryan looked as if he had sex with a rough hooker. So many scratches, and he had a leaf caught in his teeth so it looked pretty funny. The bike guy helped us up and then we Ryan and I made out way to the Shelly Bay Beach, just to check on things there. I know I know...why the hell aren't you fools running your butts back home? Were adventurous Bermudians, we just can't help it, lol. When we got to Shelly Bay, the waves were pretty rough, obviously, but we didn’t get to close. But Ryan and I were about to experience the real meaning of pain! All of a sudden a powerful gust of wind came almost knocking us to the ground. All of a sudden, we both screamed (not to loud but close enough) when we felt sharp jolts of pain all over our bodies. It felt like a 50 beestings! It took us a while to catch on, but it was the intense winds blowing the beach sand so fast, it grazed us like needles! And damn did it hurt. And you couldn't even see the sand coming. After that we finally ran our dopey butts home and went to sleep.

4. Did I lose power?

Nope, not at all! In fact my house did pretty well. Then again, my house is pretty much guarded by endless amounts of trees, so my house was not damaged, thank God. So what was I doing during majority of the storm? Ironically I was playing my Nintendo Gamecube. It has been so long since I last played it, so I figured I owe it allot of my time. Super Smash Brothers Melee was the game I played for about 3 hours, and I am very deadly in it. My best character is Marth and I'm just too good at it, lol. Then I attempted to get some college work done and then I was off to bed.

Well I hope you enjoyed my entry about my experience during Hurricane Florence. If you have any more questions just ask me. And feel free to tell me what an ass I was for going out in the storm, because of some duty. But the entry was fun to write. Oh and special thanks to all my friends who wished and prayed for my safety, that was very kind of you all. *gives 1 big hug* Well...that's all for tonight!


thankful, work, survival, lights out, danger, houses, hurricane florence, pain, animals, hurricane fabian, water, near death experiences. foolishness, injuries, wind, bermuda

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