I Wana Dance With You...

Aug 02, 2006 14:26

Don't you hate it when you just finished making waffles and then you realize there is no more syrup left in the refrigerator? That happened to me this morning and it's NOT cool, lol. So my boring day started with dry waffles...swell. I knew eggs were a better choice, but no...I had to be lazy and stick with waffles.*shrugs* Oh well. Don't mind my randomness, my friends...I'll just spare you all the boredom and just get right into the point of this entry.

Well yesterday was my uncle's funeral, and it wasn't too bad. This pretty woman came on stage and sang "Don't Cry For Me," and it was so awesome. I was tempted to light a candle and wave it side to side. Then this other guy came in and he sang this song he made up called "The Creator Has A Plan." Apparently it took him 3 and half years to get it finished. *cough* Procrastination! *cough* He even admitted that he kept putting it off, but I digress. Ironically, the song was so bad...it was funny, well at least to the other members in the church who were chuckling. I know it sounds cold, but his song would have sounded a whole better if he didn't try making cool beats with his mouth, it just killed the whole song. And my cousin was falling asleep during the service, so I gently elbowed him, saying "wakeup, man! Stop sleeping!" So he says to me "I wasn’t sleeping...I was reflecting. Yeah that's it, reflecting." "Whatever," I said. But the way he said almost made me laugh.

Nevertheless...the rest of the funeral was great. I helped carry the casket into the hearse, and believe me...it was no easy task! You may think its light because of six people, but it's no walk through the park. My arm started to tense up, plus my cut up foot was being stubborn. And this little boy at the funeral was being a real pain. As I was grabbing the casket handle, he yelled "don't drop him, Miguel." I have no idea how he knew my name, but it was somewhat amusing. Less then 10 minutes later, we arrived at the graveyard where I helped to lower him in his grave. Getting to the grave was a pain. We had to walk up slopes, down slopes, around a corner and we were finally there. Then I helped lower him in his resting place. I would explain what Bermuda graves are like, but I don't think anybody really cares, lol.

After the burial, family, friends and total strangers (to me anyway) made their way to my aunt's house and had some nice food! The macaroni and cheese was...like passionate love on a plate. I was just amazed at how many people were there. Go figure the ending party was much bigger then the actual funeral. Shame! But it was so many people, I couldn't even think. Lots of girls were checking me out, as always. But I was more interested in the food at the time, lol. Besides, there was a chance that they were somehow related to me, so there was NO way I was taking that chance. But I did dance allot when my family played music. I acted as a minor Deejay, mixing in all of these 2006 tunes and ended with Rupee's hits. To make the older ladies feel hip, I brought them on the dance area and showed them some of the newest steps, lol. I just wish my grandmother was alive; I'd love to dance with her. Then my aunt and I ended the dance with an awesome side-by-side step routine, with Rupee’s “Do The Damn Thing” playing. It was awesome.

Overall it was a good night and I had a kick butt time! :D

dancing, sadness, death, parties, music, funeral, rupee, life, laughs, family, girls

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