Close Call...

Jul 29, 2006 18:14

Wow I haven't updated in a good while. That's kind of sad, I know. Please forgive me my frequent readers. I've had one hectic week. Where do I start? Well this afternoon I found out that both my parents were in a minor car accident. They are not not injured or anything like that, thank God. Not a scratch on them. I'm so relieved. The roads were very slippery, causing their car to strike a wall. The car wasn't messed up to bad...the bumper was completely ripped off, other then that...the car is just fine. Were getting it repaired on Tuesday.

*sighs* I'm not down or anything like that, but when my parents told me what happened to them...they weren’t even stunned or anything. Both of them were acting as though nothing even happened. I guess I should be thankful that they aren't stunned with fear. It's just that they threw me off guard when they spoke of it so lightly. In the end, I'm just so relived that they aren't hurt...I don't know what I would do if I lost them.

Let's see...what else have I been up to? Well I've been doing double time at the Aquarium. That would explain why I have been so tired lately. So tired, I couldn't even find the will to update regularly. I have all of next off, so that means I can update both my journal and my Final Fantasy debate community allot more. A few nights ago we had a huge thunder storm which brought in allot of rain. So the weather has been much cooler here. Ok so that was random, lol.

In other news I got a deep gash on my left foot after steeping on a group of sharp barnacles. What's odd is that I didn't even notice the gash. I got out of the water, sat down on the rocks and then I started talking with a tourist a few minutes after that. As I was talking with her, she said "oh my...the ROCKS...THERE RED! You’re bleeding like crazy!" I gave her an odd look, and then I looked down, and saw a pool of blood underneath my left foot. The moment my eyes fell upon it, the pain started to kick in. Then I felt a bit lightheaded but that passed a few minutes later. I didn't go to the hospital, I just when back to my office, sprayed some stuff on my cut, wrapped it up and I was ok...well sort off. I didn't tell my boss about what had happened...I'd prefer it that way. I managed to pretend as though all was well in front of my partners, but when I was alone I would sit down and rest my foot. My foot is doing much better now, I just have to stay of it for a little while.

Well that's all the time I have today. But I will be updating allot more, since I finally have so much free time! :D

wok, lucky, blood, fatigue, life, parents, injuries, car accidents, tourist

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