[NEWS CLIPPING;; Backdated 29th May]

Jun 04, 2009 12:33

Twenty-three killed in mall massacre
Yesterday afternoon, police arrived at Fourth Woods Mall to discover a scene of horrific carnage. Numerous stores had been destroyed in a rampaging assult by two unknown assailant. Twenty-three were killed and thirty-two additional people were injured in the attack.

Security cameras revealed two hooded figures entering the premises at approximately 5:30 PM. After loitering for several minutes, the figures entered a store near the mall's west entrance. Shortly thereafter, an explosion knocked out the electricity in the west wing of the mall.

Witnesses of the incident state that the assailants' motives were unknown. The figures were dressed in street clothes and deeply hooded sweatshirts obscuring their faces. Witnesses also state that one figure was armed with explosives, while the other was armed with a blunt weapon.

Twelve people were killed in the initial assult in the west wing. Cameras in the central plaza of the mall later caught the figures exiting the west wing and entering the south wing, where they set off more explosives.

Witnesses claim that the figures were last seen exiting the mall through the south exit. The blunt weapons used were found in a dumpster two blocks away from the mall's entrance. No traces of explosives were found.

The Neo Genesis Police are currently searching for the attackers using evidence discovered at the sight. The south and west wings of the mall are currently closed, and the north and east wings are open with additional security by the police. Any witnesses present at the event are highly encouraged to cooperate in the investigation.

!news clipping, *deidara, *hidan

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