Title: Kame's birthday present (2/2)
Characters: JinxKame
Rating: Safe XD they're chibis I even censored it for your viewing
Genre: Uh... attempted crack?
Disclaimer: I do not own them... only the marker.
Summary: It's finally Jin's big day and their out for a Cartoon KAT-TUN show SP shoot and Kame seems to not even care... but how come almost all the tapes ended up could not be used in the show?
A/N: Read from left to right.
and an extra because my hands won't stop moving XD
A/N: Okay heheh finally I get to post it XD fufufu hope you all would like the continuation ♥ and now I need to continue studying for my paper tomorrow XD
and as always feedbacks are very much love XD they make me very happy ♥