[drabble] You are beautiful

Jul 02, 2009 03:13

Title: You are beautiful
Pairing: RyoxKame (But this is in Jin's POV)
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance
Summary: She is beautiful, but she don't mean a thing to me... only you...
Word Count: 701
Disclaimer: I don't think I own them
Beta: piperr0919 thank you dearie ♥
A/N: Dedicated for
peace_l0v3 for being my RyoKame muse ♥ this one is in Jin's POV and inspired by Death cab for cutie - 'Tiny Vessels'. and yes I finally decided that I will continue this one as a multi-drabble ♥

Jin noticed that there were changes in Kame. He looked happier now and more… beautiful, and Jin knew very well that the younger man was in love. Kame was in love with his own good friend and he knew that he should happy about it, but sadly he couldn’t.

He had always known that Kame liked someone else, for he had always seen the younger one’s yearning face every time he looked at the other. And Jin couldn’t do anything about it, but he had always expected that Ryo would not return those feelings, and had waited for the moment where Ryo would reject Kame and he would be the one to make the other happy.

But too bad it hadn’t happened that way…

“It’s your girlfriend’s birthday today isn’t it?” Kame’s voice broke his thoughts.

“Uh… yeah…” he smiled at his younger band mate, who was beaming widely at him and somehow it hurts.

Kame sighed, “You kept on bugging me about it, telling me to go with you, help you choose for her present and when the day comes, you didn’t even look enthusiastic about it.”


Another sigh, “Are you okay Jin?”

He let the younger man place his own forehead against his, staring straight towards the other’s face, his hands curled tightly in a fist, fighting the urge to touch the other’s face.

“Or are you nervous?”

Kame had moved away from him, a mischievous smile on his face as again he leant closer towards him, whispering, “Are you going to propose to her?”

Jin faked out a huge grin, and it hurts so much. “Well, kind of.”

Kame’s face broke into a gentle smile. “I’m happy for you.”

Jin gazed at the woman beside him and could never deny that the other was very much beautiful and very much like him… brown hair and pale skin. But it would never be the same. He knew that it would never be the same because she didn’t even mean a thing to him; because she wasn’t the one that he wanted all this time. Sometimes he suspected that his girlfriend knew about his feelings, especially when she told him to kiss her roughly.

“Can’t sleep?”

He planted a kiss on top of her head. “Yeah.”

There was silence for a while when she broke it with a soft whisper, “Are we okay?”

“I don’t know…” he whispered back.

“You don’t love me do you?”

Jin wrapped his arms around her tighter, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine… I knew all along… but I don’t dare to say anything about it, because I love you too much.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Can we stop all of this Jin?” she asked softly and he slowly unwrapped his arms around her waist, and she silently moved away from him, took her clothes from the floor and then turned to him.

“I wonder if you really had loved me before.”

Jin stared at her and reached out to touch her face. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”

She placed her hands atop of his and smiled tiredly. “Thank you for all the times. You have been a very good boyfriend for me.”

And he watched her leave his apartment. And out from his life and he knew that he was acting like a jerk right now, but truthfully he didn’t even care. He had grown numb to other feelings but it was strange that Kame would always rekindle those feelings in him.

Jin closed his eyes whilst his heart continued to long for the other.

Jin averted his eyes away from the pair in front of him. He knew that Ryo and Kame had kept their relationship a secret, but those subtle smiles and touches gave it all away.

“I think I’ll join Pi…” he announced, again flashing a fake grin and without waiting for responses, he quickly made his way towards the dance floor. The music was loud but it somehow made him calm.

“Hey there… are you alone?”

Jin glanced at the woman in front of him and flashed her, his famous smirk. Another one…


“Wanna dance?”

Jin smiled seductively and leaned towards her, “You’re beautiful…”

But you won’t mean a thing to me…


A/N: This one is totally going to be a new multi-drabble of mine and it will be different from what I had always wrote (^^;) eheh maybe a little? *clears throat* akame fans please don't kill me ne....

and as always feedbacks are very much love ♥

drabble, ryoxkame

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