Orwell Called It

Jul 11, 2011 12:13

A buddy of mine had the best quote about the countless fandom wank and anon sites. "They used to be so much better as funny drama comms, not SOCIAL JUSTICE CENTRAL."

By the way, if you're the type of person who's constantly whining about how delicate and preshus you are and how you need to be handled like a glass menagerie and yet you're an active participant on these sites which are cesspools for misogyny, homophobia, racism, and every other form of bigotry, I might be inclined to give you the side eye.

Maybe it's just me but I swear the more I watch white dominated social justice spaces, the more I feel like I've stepped into Animal Farm. I mean George Orwell called that shit.

And by the way, the trolling and harassing emails, I've been getting from so many of these slash writers (bigoted white women) has been most telling.

Just as they demand others to check their privilege, shut up and listen when they discuss their issues or their experiences (and rightfully so), suddenly they're engaging in the same behavior and making the same arguments that they constantly accuse straight male bigots of. Gotta love the hypocrisy. By the by, a marginalized person taking the time to share his experiences and give you tips in the hopes that you actually DO BETTER, is not mansplaining or male oppression. It's called a teaching moment. A teaching moment, you didn't have to read. But then for many, it was never about being a genuine ally. It was about looking the part without actually doing the work. So these idiots reacting the way they are is proving my point yet again.

Spark called it best: "Because, y'know, a gay man protesting homophobia perpetuated by straight women is all entirely about sexism and never ever ever about homophobia. Ever. It's another "go away poseable fuckpuppets, we didn't give you permission to talk. Now give me an ally cookie""

Also, writing derogatory m/m fiction makes you as much a queer activist as watching SoulPlane and Amos & Andy makes you anti-racist.

Just saying.

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wicked truths, the stupid, via ljapp

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