Mothering Is Love By Any Means Necessary

May 08, 2011 10:41

The Mother Of All Link Roundups

-My internet wife afro_dyte pens a brilliant piece on why POCs need to create our own social justice movement. Not just battling racism, but sexism, homophobia and other forms of institutional oppression.

Because I will state once again. As the fail on Racebending taught us, when white people are able to make misogynistic and racist comments about women of color belonging to a separate marginalized group from white women and then have said racism and misogyny towards WOC defended and ignored, on a mostly white "anti-racism" site, it's time for POCs to disengage to start doing our own shit.

-On a semi related point. This article from Racialicious explores the new book Feminism FOR REAL. But it also calls out the ongoing trend of how white mainstream feminist circles dismiss and ignore the works of WOC.

-Hat tip to afro_dyte. How to blog and comment on race, feminism and equality. Don't get it twisted. This post applies to equality and social justice in general. And this isn't the first time I've been linked to What Tami Said. I've been impressed with what I've seen so far. I may have to check her out.

-Additional hat tip to witchsistah. Why POCs shouldn't teach white people about racism.

"and by this i mean teaching white folks, anti-racism theory, critical race theory, the correct words to use, the words not to use, the correct questions to ask, etc, etc, etc.  is a waste of our time.  and theirs. and is harmful to building a revolutionary movement or creating good relationships.the problem is that fundamental to white/euro-centric culture is a break between word and action.  between theory and practice. and so in my experience, folks can learn all the theory, all the right words, all of it and yet act fundamentally the same, live out the same patterns of thoughts, still hold the same fucked-up priorities.  and yet spout all of the anti-racist rhetoric. because that is all it is to them.  rhetoric. people only learn as much as they are willing to learn. and anti-oppression is not complicated.  you dont need to read a book or a take a training or read a blog to learn humility, respect, and love....its like us giving white folks all the correct rhetoric just allows for them to be able to better racists, because they are able to justify their racism using anti-racist rhetoric. in that they are able to say things like: i realize that such and such is a function of racism and then they continue to do the same fucking thing that they just acknowledged was racist. this happens all the time.  like.  all. the. time."

This goes back to the points WS and I made in this post here. SJ white activists are so "busy studying and learning" that they do nothing and when push comes to shove they're usually the biggest stumbling blocks. This also cosigns on my previous point about how well-meaning non SJ whites do more activism than fauxgressives.

Also hat tip to the site for inspiring the title of today's post.

-This was a few years ago but truly stupid is truly timeless. Bill Nye got booed in Waco, Texas for saying the moon reflects the sun. How the hell do you boo Bill Nye the Science Guy? I grew up watching him. He's all nice and nerdy and harmless. He's so nerdy that he's actually cool. *SMDH*

-'SlutWalk' marches sparked by Toronto officer's remarks. To the officer and others like him with the same failed mindset about women asking for it, if you're spouting the same views and rhetoric that's spouted on Mad Men, you might want to reassess your position before sticking your foot in your mouth.

Free Comic Book Day

Free Comic Book Day was a smashing success. Smashing I tell you. I went by my old stomping grounds, the Bookstore, to show my love to my boys Russ, Monk and Ben. I was floored that this year they put on a massive event and brought their A-game. And brought it they did. Had a fun time. It was great to see everyone. And below are pics:

I tried to get them to chant Cobra-La! but they weren't feeling me on that.
They all gave me the "Those are our relatives that we don't discuss EVER" side-eye.

Benjy being a dork with Spidey and the Black Widow. Interestingly enough, Spidey is actually an old student of mine.
Which was hilarious because when he greeted me by name (with the mask on), he didn't understand why I slowly began backing away.

Who ya gonna call?

That handsome devil with the Ghostbusters?

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to make the obligatory Mother's Day calls and blessings to all of the mothers in my life and then I'm going to enjoy an LXD marathon.

bookstore, wicked truths, random hawtness, racefail, the stupid, what is this i don't even..., picture this, comics

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