In which your not-so-friendly neighborhood Neo-Prodigy is so about to go
box-in-the-box on this post's ass.
So I was done posting for today but my girl Rhi told me the following story about
some heterosexist BS that went down (bold emphasis is mine):
rhiannonhero;: In my most recent fandom (you know the one - and its canon is fucking problematic in terms of accurately presenting gay males, but you know that, too), some newbies posted a story in which they included themselves as characters. They mentioned in their author's notes that they had actually gone to a gay bar in NYC (apparently to view the gay male in his native habitat *rolls eyes*) and done the things the characters in the story do. May I just tell you, that they randomly accosted gay men to smell them???? WTEverLovingF???? Needless to say, I was appalled and thought, " if="if" neo="Neo" could="could" see="see" be="be" roasted="roasted" and="and" toasted="toasted" and="and">
*blinks 30 times*
Props to my girl Rhi for swinging the cluebat and laying the smackdown on the candy asses in question.
For those of you who think this is an isolated incident, think again.
This was another reason I grew to despise gay clubs. In addition to dealing with the racist pretentious assholes that comprised legions of bitter catty and bitchy queens, you also had to deal with the legions of breeders who rolled through looking for their queer entertainment.
It would be one thing if these were straight people who were respectful about coming into gay spaces and were just looking to broaden their horizons, have some fun and treat gays like human beings and equals at that. You know, straight people who are inclusive, open-minded and respectful. That would be awesome.
But nah, too many of these motherfuckers wanna act like they don't have an iota of mother fucking home training. They roll in with this sense of entitlement and treat us like a carnival of freaks. Then they wonder why marginalized peeps get pissed off about having our spaces invaded.
And the last few times I was in a gay club, there were literally more straight people there than gays (bringing the BS) and that's when I knew we had a serious problem here.
Whether it's cis straight women smelling us or harassing me about
what breed of mix I am or straight guys getting pissy if gay guys hit on them as I've witnessed in the past.
Here's a thought. If you're a straight guy who has a serious problem with being hit on by another man, here's a suggestion, DON'T GO TO A GAY CLUB!!!!!!!!!
It's very much akin to when white folks go across the tracks to the black part of town to hear that good ole Negro music and to see the natives in their habitat, or the Latino community to get their spicy Latin fix. Or bunch of nerdy weebos (sp?) who think because they know a few Japanese words, have watched Naruto and taken a karate lesson, that they're honorary authentic Asians.
The bitch of it is, I actually prefer straight clubs (they play better music, less ostentatious behavior, people are generally friendlier). The problem is the first sign of any gay behavior and I risk getting my skull cracked in a parking lot by a pack of homophobic inbreds.
So the few spaces where we can be open and can be sexual or be ourselves, straight folks are fucking that up for us.
It's not like we have that many places to go. And unlike straight people, we can't be affectionate in public or get married and until recently we couldn't serve in the military.
And just because you're not spitting on us doesn't mean you aren't being a homophobe or bigot. Treating us like a fucking zoo animal or some mythical plant is just as insulting and demeaning.
So stop that shit. Or don't. But when you get your fee fees hurt (because trust myself and many others will do everything in our power to make you cry) by the mean gayz, don't say you weren't warned.
And then they wanna treat us like we're the freaks of nature. Aint that ironic.
Don't make no gawd damn sense.
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