[THREAD] these peaceful moments that breeze by ❀

Sep 15, 2008 18:34

Who: Selphie [ gamblerselphie ] & Nagi [ striginae ]
Where: Out on the streets, Terra
When: Early evening, sure
Summary: Just a friendly chance meeting, that's all.
Rating: Probably just PG
Other: c:

enjoy these fleeting halcyon moments )

selphie tilmitt, kengamine nagi

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striginae September 15 2008, 23:18:45 UTC
He seemed to be doing this a lot, recently -- spacing out while walking down the streets and sometimes into people -- but this time, the other way around. The small collision jolted him out of his thoughts, and he stumbled for a moment. Regained his balance quickly enough and immediately looked over to where the young lady had fallen down -- oh dear. "Ah -- I'm terribly sorry about this." The bustle of the crowd in the streets drowned out the harsh edge of his artificial voice, somewhat, and he quickly stepped forward to help her back up. "Are you alright?"

Though -- on second glance. She seemed vaguely familiar? It took a brief moment of thought, during which his eyes wandered over the fallen book, visible for a moment before it was quickly whipped out of sight. The title, "Dating for Dummies." He couldn't help but laugh a little inside at that -- not in a teasing way (he'd had his awkward moments too, so many years ago), but rather out of nostalgic fondness. This was the age, wasn't it? That sunny time of life when youth looked to love and companionship, fresh out of high school and moving onto larger things -- speaking of which. Suddenly, the memories clicked together, and he chanced a guess at her name, offering a hand to help her up.

"Ms. Selphie?" Not only had they briefly spoken on the network, but now that he thought about it, he'd seen her at the school several times -- never a full conversation, but fleeting glances in the hallways between classes. Funny how he hadn't recognized her at first on the network -- but then again, network communications had the tendency to warp images and voices at first. Nonetheless, it was good to see a somewhat familiar face.


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striginae September 15 2008, 23:55:29 UTC
Ah, so it was her. It was always a somewhat odd experience, meeting graduated students, especially out of school -- but never in a bad way. "Please, just Nagi is fine -- especially given that I am not your teacher." It was a good-natured correction, and he returned her smile just as brightly. Though, of course -- he noticed the way that she continued to hide the book. It was almost refreshing, this innocence, amid the dark city, and he politely pretended he hadn't seen the object in question. No reason to fluster her further, after all.

To his side, the stoplight trilled softly, changing from red to green, heralding a slow line of people crossing the street in rhythmic footsteps, and he stepped aside to allow the flow of people to pass by without jostling either of them. Though, now that he thought about it -- this wasn't much of a place that young people tended to be -- the only buildings he knew around the area being the school and a few corporate buildings. Was she lost?

"Though -- what brings you to this area?" Withdrawing his hand, he straightened the strap of his shoulder-bag, heavy with textbooks and papers. "I was not aware that there was much of interest in this neighborhood."


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striginae September 16 2008, 00:46:47 UTC
"Haha, yes -- that Nagi. But -- if you are lost, well. I suppose that -- maybe be a bit problematic." The smile was returned, albeit in a gently admonishing manner. A moment of thought, before he cast a glance around the streets -- it was a modestly busy area, but perhaps a bit askew of where she might have been intending to go. The university and its dormitories was a good few blocks away, as were the major buildings of the entertainment neighborhood, the mostly likely places that she would be heading at this time of day.

Though -- a glance at his watch, then up at the skyline, where streaks of orange-red were beginning to tint the clouds, bleeding into the brilliant blues and white. A small nod. (It's not like he had anything better to do.)

"Then ah -- may I ask where you were headed?" Ever the polite one, he posed the question almost hesitantly, almost shyly -- feeling ever so slightly rude for asking so much from just a chance meeting -- but leaving her lost would have his conscience jabbing at him later. "Perhaps I could show you the right way, at the very least. This area can get somewhat confusing if one isn't accustomed to the routes and such."


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striginae September 16 2008, 01:39:08 UTC
A soft laugh before he nodded. "Not at all. I haven't got much planned tonight other than paperwork, and that can wait," A brief, and he couldn't help but add, "-- but your dinner is more urgent, isn't it?" The stoplight trilled once more, blinking a green, and he gestured for her to walk alongside him.

The soft clack-clatter of his geta on the pavement was near drowned-out by the rhythmic footsteps of the surrounding people, and he looked over to make sure that she was still by his side -- it would have all been useless if they'd gotten separated, no? "The college dorms are this way, I believe. It should be a few blocks' walk, not too far away."


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striginae September 16 2008, 02:26:56 UTC
To be perfectly honest -- Nagi almost found Selphie's energy bewildering. Most of the city seemed beaten down by the recent string of violent happenings, and so it was a refreshing change to see someone so energetic and up-beat. Watching the people pass by, he waited for her to return -- triumphantly bearing her prize -- and accepted the proffered treat with a polite nod.

"This is perfectly fine -- thank you. And as for my inspiration for becoming a teacher -- well." He paused to think for a moment, taking a small nibble at his ice cream, the sweet chill something he hadn't experienced in a while. "-- haha, I'm afraid I've never thought about it, much. I've always enjoyed working with children, and felt that it would be a worthwhile job."

As for how long -- well. By nature, Nagi wasn't much of a liar, and so, for the briefest moment, a troubled expression crossed his face, as if he were lost for words -- before it was gone, replaced by the familiar mild half-smile. "And I've been teaching for around eight years. I'm afraid I was rather -- ill for a while, and have just recently returned to the job."

(It was a decent enough cover-up of the truth -- because touching upon the unsavory past was never a pleasant topic for conversation.) Another bite of the ice cream before he returned the question with a smile. "What about you? Have you decided what you'd like to do upon graduating?"


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striginae September 16 2008, 03:12:54 UTC
He couldn't help but give a small laugh at the future plans she had laid out -- not out of malice, but out of fondness for how cheerful her dreams were. Intelligence, or a casino -- perhaps her priorities were a bit scrambled, but in the end, all this told about her was that she was well-meaning and innocent. "I see -- it's rather ingenious of you to have established a source of income at such a young age. Though completing education wouldn't hurt, would it? Perhaps it would help as worldly experience, at the very least."

The ice cream in his hand had started to melt, and he paused to take a bite before it started dripping all over his hand -- taking the chance to choose his words. At the back of his mind, there were the slightest pangs of guilt -- she seemed truthful and well-meaning, and probably didn't deserve such lies -- but dwelling over the past had never been something he was good at. Skirting the truth with carefully-constructed lies had served him well thus far, after all.

A moment of hesitation before he finally answered, " -- and yes, I'm afraid my -- illness is why my voice is as such." Out of habit, he reached up with his free hand, tugging the scarf back in its place. "I lost my vocal cords and had to have them replaced with a synthesizer." That faint smile had never quite left his face, and he looked apologetic, almost. "I'm sorry if you find it strange. It does take some time to get used to."


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striginae September 16 2008, 04:18:03 UTC
A soft laugh, as he shook his head. "There is no need to apologize -- I should not have brought up the subject." (He had to change the subject -- away from himself, away from something so dark.) From the opposite direction, a rowdy group of young men passed by -- most probably the members of a fraternity, or such, meaning that they were close.

A glance down the street, where a series of short buildings squatted by the streets -- the university buildings. Meaning -- ah, there. A turn of the corner, and the gates to the dormitories lay just ahead. There was the faint laughter and chatter of the students, each in their own world -- it was a friendly and inviting sort of atmosphere. It was nice to know that even in hard times, the younger generation managed to keep their spirits up.

Slowing to a stop just before the entrace to the gates, he gave her a small nod. "I suppose this is where I shall take my leave?" And it was truly sincere when he gave her a bright smile, adding, "It was a pleasure meeting you."


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