[THREAD] these peaceful moments that breeze by ❀

Sep 15, 2008 18:34

Who: Selphie [ gamblerselphie ] & Nagi [ striginae ]
Where: Out on the streets, Terra
When: Early evening, sure
Summary: Just a friendly chance meeting, that's all.
Rating: Probably just PG
Other: c:

The funny thing about Neo Genesis was how much it was like three cities, instead of one. There was the glitzy, glamorous upper-class mob of the Elysium, on one hand, and then the gritty, grimy underground mess called the Abyss -- then there was the Terra, stuck neither here nor there, somewhere in the (un)comfortable middle. Where normal people led their normal lives in peace, for the most part. The streets were modestly crowded with people dismissed from their jobs and heading home for the night -- businessmen, blue-collar workers, shopkeepers -- most of the city.

And of course, just another face in the crowd, Nagi made his way down the streets -- for once, not staying late to take care of evening makeup lectures at the neighboring high school, or filing away paperwork, or -- anything. It felt somewhat strange, to be leaving the school so early. But then again, maybe he needed a break.

Waiting at a street corner for a stoplight to change, he absently tugged at the folds of his shawl, running through his schedule for the rest of the week at the back of his mind. A quiet week -- though there was a small field trip scheduled for the students the following week, which would be sufficiently tiring. But the children would enjoy it, and that was what mattered. A small, quiet smile lit his features at the thought -- no matter how tiresome his job could be at times, it was always worth it, in the end.

selphie tilmitt, kengamine nagi

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