[thread; complete] From Jack to Joker.

Jul 31, 2008 01:00

Who: Jack/Joker (letsputasmileon) ; Harleen Quinzel (heypuddin)
Where: Terra // Asylum & possibly outward.
When: July 31 XXXX - 7:13AM and onward.
Summary: Liberation, tranformation, mayhem, and dress up.
Rating: PG 13 to be safe.
Other: tl;dr

Jack sat on the poor broken in spring mattress with his back strait, head tilted back and eyes closed. He had been awake for awhile. It was so quiet he could count the seconds tic by on the wall's clock outside of his cell's door, and to someone like Jack the silence was mildly unnerving. He didn't like it. It was a rarity in the asylum. The quiet before the storm. Life and its irony's, they were endless. It wasn't too long before that silence would be blissfully destroyed. One eye opened at the sound of the first explosion. Than another. Another. Another. In seconds flat the Asylum was an orchestra of screams both in horror and in demands for order. Demands that wouldn't get anyone too far; and in about, oh - both eyes opened and Jack rolled his head to the side - now, things would start getting a little more interesting.

The initial panic had gradually subsided for the moment, and this was his cue to rise and take a look at his masterpiece. The man smirked and rose to his feet that took him toward the door. Security was down. The doors were unlocked. Handle pushed down and open; Jack stepped into the hallway that was heavy in gaseous fog. The gas was thick and blinding to the point you could barely see an inch ahead of you, but he moved forward humming to himself as he did so. The sound of alarms filled the hallways as maniacal screaming and the bodies violent motions once again took a hold of the symphony. Glass breaking, doors crashing down, bones shattering and blood splattering all over the walls and floor. Absolute insanity was what came over the asylum in mere seconds and he walked head first right into it.

He stopped in the mid of the hallway taking a moment to pause, look around. Jack nodded in approval before he took a nice long inhale. The smell was vile. It wasn't long before nausea rushed over the man to the point that he almost lost his balance when hurling over. His heart began to race, thumping heavily inside his chest. He staggered a bit to the side. His head throbbed with a strange rush he couldn't quite describe (but he liked it). He felt disoriented. He felt scattered. He felt like his life, like what was just slip though the fingers he found himself staring at; and slowly they closed in tight. Reborn. He felt like laughing; and laugh he did. Boiling up from the pit of his stomach, jerking through his entire body. He laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Stop.

Finally, the man stumbled forward a bit. An exhale rushed through dried lips as he slowly straitened himself up just in time to catch a fist and slam the man's head it belonged to into the wall. Brian Jack's number one best friend since he had been in this humble abode. What ever was he doing here? Such a lovely surprise. Fingers curled tightly into the man's hair and he repeated the action again and leaned his body heavy against him. He held him there for a moment shifting his weight back and forth.

"Brian," Jack taunted into the shell of an ear as the current victim of choice let out a laugh while struggling. Jack grinned and laughed as well, "Brian, Brian, Brian. I never knew you were into this sort of thing; and here I thought we were friends."

His head rolled to eye the steak knife in hand ignoring the other man's mutters and mumbles. He tossed the man back twisting the blade from his hand. Brian fell against the floor immediately attempting to get up and fight. All attempts in which were well squelched; mashed; pulped. Precious moments that had to, unfortunately, come to an end. His feet finally hovered over the body that laid in the hall. Jack stood there for a moment tilting his upper body with a grin on his face, watching.

"Are you afraid, Brian?" Jack spoke, dark in tone as he crouched. The blade rose to the man's face with the tip pressing just under the eye. His head stayed cocked to the side and he and hummed.

"Its a funny world we live in," the voice perked up a bit as he licked his lips quickly and glided the blade down the side of a cheek, "the hunter suddenly being hunted. Funny how nature works."

His body shifted, shoulder ticked and rolled, and he leaned down in closer. "Before you die," he began again with the same lighthearted tone as he spoke, "I want you to know that your services were well appreciated. Why, if I didn't get the shit knocked out of me by you on such frequent occasions," his shoulders rose and expression lightened up, "I don't know how I would have pulled this off."

"For that," Jack lifted the knife from the man's face and placed it between his own lips, his tone darkening, "I'll show you what you helped create."

Pause. The man nodded a few times quickly with a smile before he leaned up to give just enough space between them. With a jerk of his wrist, the blade cut through the skin of Jack's cheek. He let out a sharp gasp and small grunt of pain; both sounds were followed by a sickeningly twisted roll of laughter as he sliced back through the thick flesh on the other side. He shook his head letting the blood spill over the man's face as he was slowly dying on the ground below. His hand rose to wipe the blood from his lips slapping the face back to look up at him.

"Remember me," Jack gurgled and spat as he tossed the knife aside and brought both hands to bind around the other man's neck jerk-forcing the last bit of light out of those eyes below. Spit and choke until death consumes you. Eat it up and swallow. He slowly rose once finished, blood still poured from his mouth down his chin and neck. Jack merely wiped his mouth and slicked his hands down the pale blue outfit uncaring. He trudged forward through the mess knocking down whatever came between him and one of the nurse's room laughing as he made his way there.

An unexpected side effect. Oh, what joy.

harleen quinzel, joker, *complete

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