[thread] i am still on hiatusssss

Jul 30, 2008 06:37

Who: Karin and Mello
Where: their apartment?
When: early early morning
Summary: ugh. who the fuck knows.
Rating: PG-13 for now
Other: BMNUH. |8

Karin laid there, sprawled out on the couch with one arm slung over the arm rest, one leg pulled up to her chest in a somewhat comfortable position, staring at a TV screen that was playing something of which she had no idea what was being said. They were just talking and talking, and maybe it was a news show or a talk show or something, but it did have a lot of talking. But that was all uninteresting white noise.

She was bored, she had nothing to do, she wasn't tired but she tried closing her eyes anyways, just to see if that would help any. It didn't. So now she was laying here, wondering what the fuck was she going to spend all day doing, and why couldn't she go to sleep or whatever anyways? This was ridiculous and stupid and she was getting thoroughly annoyed. Not like that didn't happen every day. Karin was pissed, someone alert the media. (\o\) And it was early morning anyways, or at least, that was what she assumed from the time on the tv, which she could sort of make out if she squinted her eyes.

God, this was gay.

karin, mihael "mello" kheel

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