
Aug 25, 2009 18:58

Who: Nataku and Kirin.
Where: Kirin's residence.
When: Just before BR starts.
Summary: No one is in the manor.
Rating: PG-13.
Other: Invasion of one's home is a sign of friendship.

It was good that Kirin had a television set as he would not be certain what reaction he would have if he missed anything. Hibird sat on his shoulder as he lightly patted the yellow bird on the head a few times, uncertain if he was trying to comfort or not. Given that Hibari would be in the game for three days (if not less), it would be remiss of him not to make sure that his pet was taken care of by someone. However, being with his surrogate father and brother in the manor, he did not know what it was he was feeling, but he did not wish to remain in that state. Hans had recently awakened from his slumber which meant that Flemming would wish as much alone time as he could with him; that was his understanding. Which meant that he should spend his time with someone who did not have a significant other -- unconscious, dead, or present.

This was why when Kirin would enter his home would he find that a window in the back of the apartment had been broken so that he could enter safely. It had been later closed with duct-tape and a piece of cloth that was found around the house. Backpack filled with clothes for three days was set in one of the rooms and Nataku seated in the living room, watching the television intently. The child supposed that this is a scene that one would consider strange, but his friend was not home and he did not wish to wait outside in the rain for him to appear. What if the show were to start whist he waited. That would be unacceptable. Apologies would be given if Kirin was upset, but for now, he waited for the show to start. Rather than wait for his friend's appearance to explain what it was he was doing.

kirin, nataku

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