[Event] Battle Royale: Introduction

Aug 25, 2009 01:55

Who: Johan Liebert, Belial, and everyone who signed up here.
Where: Inside the TV.
When: Tuesday night.
Summary: In which our heroes learn of their plight.
Rating: R
Other: Refer to this post for information. Remember to respond to your name during roll call so you can receive your weapon. You can do that before the main thread is finished.

An inexplicable series of events is set into motion on the 25th of August.

The heat almost seems unbearable throughout Neo Genesis. It’s 9 pm and with a natural delirium from this sudden heat wave that seems to enclose the whole city in its blaring warmth, surely one could never become suspicious of just another person walking along the streets. Perhaps they had asked for directions, perhaps they just simply said hello, or of course if one was staying home that night, then there would have been a knock at the door: maybe just nothing but a package in waiting? -- but either way it does not matter, because the next moment you smile and reply, or when you sign off the package, you feel nothing but a heavy weight that swallows you up. A cloth to your mouth, arm around your waist and suddenly everything is in a daze, and this dizziness forces you to succumb to sleep. You may have tried to fight it off, but these people are much more powerful than you, much more feral, and they would have to use brute force: a blow across your face, or perhaps restraints, but either option isn’t all that comforting.

Because, you know, it is rather impolite to refuse an invitation to a festival that has an exclusive guest list.

You wake. The room’s dark, and your eyes feel as though they have been glued shut. The slightest of pulsing shockwaves pass through your body, and a very unfamiliar piece of jewelry is enclosed around your neck. It could be in an instant that you reach up to grab it with the urge to tear it off but --

-- but when you wake up, you feel different -- something is missing. You feel completely powerless. You try to search for your cellphone. It’s not there. You have nothing but your clothes.

You start to panic.

You search to find any sort of familiarity.

You can’t be the only one here, right?

You see people waking up beside you and you don’t know if they are friends of enemies. You don’t know them, right? Most of them are unfamiliar, but maybe if you search you’ll find a friend among these strangers.

This is insane. This isn’t normal. Why couldn’t you just be at home and in bed?

Maybe it’s a bad dream. Yeah, that’s got to explain it, right? But no matter how much you slap yourself, you don't wake up.

There are windows beside you. When you look out, you don't find the city you knew, the place that was your home. And you may think "Is this Abyss?" But sky of the Abyss was never that yellow, even filled with toxins as it was. It is this view spread before you:

To those from Abyss, you think it feels just like home. The decaying scent, that sight of dilapidation and destruction -- but of course it’s not. Really. Because you're in a classroom, and when did Abyss ever have classrooms? There was never any education in Abyss, so why are there desks and chairs, pens and papers?

But - what really stands out is the chalkboard at the far end of the wall, scrawled with elegant writing:

Battle Royale: act 2

In the next moment you feel an intense heaviness fill the room as the side door opens. Several different beings donned in leather step inside, their skulls embedded with gas masks with ooze escaping the sides, and numerous spikes implanted at the top of their heads, standing too tall to be human at all with large hands pushing a television stand and a large rack of heavy-looking duffle bags.

And following this parade is an androgynous figure decked in Victorian attire, face decorated with jester make-up and nothing but a sinister smirk twitches hir lips upwards.

- - -

By midnight, it's started to rain, finally offering a break from the heat. But inside, your regularly scheduled programming is interrupted. Every television set in Neo Genesis turns off, then tunes in to a game show-- or is it a reality show?-- unlike any other. And no matter what you do, you can't turn it off. For the next three days, the rain keeps falling and this is all your television will be playing. Every horrifying moment.

mail "matt" jeevas, graverobber, senji kiyomasa, !battle royale, the corinthian, yosuke hanamura, belial "mad hatter", johan liebert, squalo, genkaku, seras victoria, shikamaru nara, xanxus, tohru adachi, kanji tatsumi, hibari kyouya, kurookano shijima, yamamoto takeshi, edge geraldine, kazama souji, nill, mihael "mello" kheel, hidan

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