[Thread: closed] Yield for nothing

Jul 16, 2009 21:39

Who: Shilo and GraveRobber
Where: The alley where they first met
When: around 6pm, July 16th
Summary: Shilo is anxious to explore her new surroundings and taste freedom for the first time, GraveRobber offered to show her around out of the goodness of his black, little heart.
Rating: R for abyss stuff, possible language and implied pedoness!
Other: ( Read more... )

shilo wallace, graverobber

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your_zydrate July 17 2009, 13:35:43 UTC
He had been watching her - quietly, waiting from the rooftop near where he lived; one of the places he haunted rather than lived in. He never really ceased to walk these streets, his steps followed by a sense of restlessness, of waiting for a past to catch up with him. There were always customers to be found, the lonely, the wanting, desperate for some contact, for some peace.

He liked seeing her agitated, trying to vanish; but a beauty like hers would never diminish, not while she was willing it. The more she struggled, the more she shined.

Eventually, GraveRobber emerged, using a handy fire escape - which creaked and groaned as if it would fall apart any second and probably would one day. He made his way toward her, approached with sure steps - not even a trash can could be overturned in the Abyss without him noticing it.

"Hey, kid," He murmured. "You look a little cold there, waiting there. Are you sure you feel up to this little adventure?"


wantsoutside July 17 2009, 14:30:03 UTC
His sudden appearance and the creepy sounds of the old fire escape startled Shilo out of her paranoia and caused her to jump before turning around to face him. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a voice was screaming Predator but the prey stood her ground and even offered a shy smile as a greeting.

"I'm fine." She said quietly. Her smile quickly disappeared when she heard a loud sound over her shoulder. She jumped again, this time towards the GraveRobber while wide eyes scanned the darkness behind her, her mouth forming a little 'o' of surprise.

"S-so... where are we going first?" She asked in a shaky voice. She didn't want to admit that she was scared. Scared of getting caught, scared of being found, and, most of all, scared of being put into another cage. Death and danger, that wasn't as scary as living in confinement and sickness.


your_zydrate July 18 2009, 09:20:19 UTC
GraveRobber slid an arm around the frail girl's shoulders; he loved it when she jumped, when she trembled with fear. It was the best thing about living in the Abyss, walking these streets.

"It depends on what you want to see." He murmured, leaning close to her ear. "What is it you can bear? Or will you faint on me, fall into my dangerous arms?" A chuckle.

"Don't hold back that fear. It's the lifeblood of the Abyss."


wantsoutside July 18 2009, 20:07:42 UTC
There was a scarlet flush to her ghostly pale face when she felt his arm around her. She lowered her head to let her hair hide her red cheeks but didn't move away from him or try to remove his hold on her. He felt safe despite the air of danger that surrounded him.

"I want to see it all." She whispered. "I can handle it, I won't faint. I took my medicine."

Don't hold back. yield for nothing. Live life. Those words only strengthened her resolve and served to make her more determined to do this. If she could make it in the underbelly of NeoGenesis, she could make it anywhere.

...But could she make it?


your_zydrate July 19 2009, 08:35:40 UTC
"What happens when there is a day without medicine?" GraveRobber asked, pulling away from her, looking at the girl - the beautiful girl, who shone brightly in this dank, airless place.

"You have to be ready for that, you have to be. You won't get anywhere clinging to the same old threads."

He turned as if to walk away from her, but paused to turn his gaze upward. GraveRobber closed his eyes and took a breath; this scent was his, it permeated everything that he held dear.


wantsoutside July 20 2009, 04:20:54 UTC
"I... I need to find my cure. Someone must know about my blood disease. My father could have... had colleagues?" She had no plan, no information, but she had resolve. Either she found her cure or she died trying.

"What if those threads are all I have?"


your_zydrate July 20 2009, 07:33:12 UTC
"How are you going to find them?" GraveRobber turned to look at her, then gestured for her to walk beside him as he began to venture outside their meeting spot.

"I would not advise advertising your condition too much on the network." He went on. "Unless it's a clever ploy to gain sympathy...?"


wantsoutside July 20 2009, 17:38:38 UTC
She fell into step beside him, staying close. "I don't know yet." She hadn't had much time to think about it. Maybe Mason would have some ideas.

At his last remark, she turned a fierce expression up towards his face, "I don't need anyone's sympathy."

Just because she was defective didn't mean she couldn't take care of herself or be normal. Her father never understood that she wasn't as breakable as he thought she was. He was constantly looking at her from the standpoint of a doctor and not someone that had faith in her. She hated it.


your_zydrate July 21 2009, 15:39:36 UTC
"Oho - the cat has claws, after all. You're not all glossy, are you?" GraveRobber smiled, a flash of white teeth against a paler face, dark mouth a stark contrast.

"You're alone now - you must first - and foremost - realize this. Whether in some other place or here, you are alone. You cannot rely on those around you - they are only one fix away from being useless. Some worse than that. Much worse."


wantsoutside July 21 2009, 21:42:16 UTC
"I'm not glossy, or a cat. And I'm not alone... there's Mason... and-- and you." She said the last part quietly.

He did have a point though. It wouldn't do much good to rely on other people. She had to learn to stand alone, take care of herself, stay alive.

"One fix? Like drugs?" She had heard that term before but only after she had arrived in the lowest level. "You don't do them, do you?" There was only curiosity in her eyes and a bit of concern on her face. It was bad enough Mason needed drugs to function, could she handle two addicts?


your_zydrate July 22 2009, 11:50:10 UTC
"You mistake people who associate with you with people who are reliable." GraveRobber said, nodding to someone who passed them as they walked; they looked back at him with open interest, tinged with desperation.

"Don't ever rely on me, kid. You have to realize that I may be here, but I am not someone you should come crying to when things don't go your way, or when you become frightened."

A chuckle, low ripple of a laugh. "I don't mix business with pleasure."


wantsoutside July 22 2009, 18:50:15 UTC
"You're the closest thing I have to a friend. Someone that is willing to be around me but not obligated to take care of me. I can't promise I won't come crying to you... but I'm trying to stick it out on my own." She nodded, happy that she had expressed herself the way she wanted to and smiled at him.

"I'm glad you don't do drugs, but it would be nice if you stopped selling them to Mason." Even though she did not expect him to stop.

"I guess I need some safer friends..."


your_zydrate July 23 2009, 02:44:25 UTC
GraveRobber laughed softly; she amused him, most definitely. A sweet kid. Sweeter than most, and this place was going to ruin her.

"I go where the business is. I don't tell people what to do, what not to do. They ask, I oblige."

A shrug. "It's my living, my job."


wantsoutside July 23 2009, 03:33:34 UTC
"Have you ever thought of a career change? Doctor, Lawyer, poet laurier maybe? You talk like a poet as it is."

A group of scantily clad women caught Shilo's eye. She looked at them, then at GraveRobber, and then down at her feet as she walked. They wore less clothing than the girls on TV and looked kind of... dirty. Still, they made her feel self conscious and she hoped she wouldn't have to end up like them to fit in down here. Shilo didn't want this place to ruin her. It was only temporary.

Her hand flew to the cameo at the base of her throat. Her brown eyes swept over the scenery, looking at everything but her escort's face and she realized that it looked even darker and scarier than when they had started their walk.

"Is it getting... worse? The deeper we go?"


your_zydrate July 23 2009, 09:42:09 UTC
GraveRobber slid his arm casually around Shilo's shoulders as they walked; he was marking her, in a way. Showing those who needed to be shown that Shilo wasn't to be messed with, wasn't to be hassled. She was -his-, as far as he was concerned. He had chosen to extend his considerable clout and protection to this slip of a girl.

"Don't be afraid. No one will lay a hand on you. They know better." He said. "To answer your other question -- no. This is what I am. It will always be what I am."


wantsoutside July 24 2009, 05:33:38 UTC
"Why then, despite what you are... haven't you tried to sell any to me? Why did you ask me here tonight. Why are you even bothering with some seventeen year old shut in that knows nothing about the world?"

Her curiosity had finally gotten the better of her. All her questions had come spilling out of her mouth in a high pitched voice and she only managed to stop herself by tangling her tiny fingers in the fur of his jacket's collar and leaning into him ever so slightly as they walked.

He was like a walking security blanket... or an oversized stuffed animal. Something that didn't seem quite real but felt right to be near.


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