[Thread: closed] Yield for nothing

Jul 16, 2009 21:39

Who: Shilo and GraveRobber
Where: The alley where they first met
When: around 6pm, July 16th
Summary: Shilo is anxious to explore her new surroundings and taste freedom for the first time, GraveRobber offered to show her around out of the goodness of his black, little heart.
Rating: R for abyss stuff, possible language and implied pedoness!
Other: Grilo ftw!

Shilo had slipped out of the place she now shared with Mason as easily as she would have snuck out of her own home. Of course, when she had been at home she had never gone more than ten feet from the house. Her only purpose outside was visiting her mother's tomb or luring bugs close enough to catch. This time she had someone to meet and things to do. Shilo was determined to familiarize herself with the outside world, learn everything she possibly could about things you can't read about in books or see on TV. Not only was this an opportunity to learn and explore, it also meant that she could see him again. The strange man with a face as deathly pale as her own and a way of speaking that made her think of poetry or a song. He was interesting, different, and everything her father had warned her against.

Mason was probably sleeping or passed out and wouldn't notice she was gone until she got back. There was plenty of time to talk and learn from the street-wise drug dealer with the arrogant stride. Shilo smiled to herself as she made her way to the alley where she first met him and her new brother. It was hard not to draw attention from the people littering the streets as clean as she was and as young as she was. The short skirt, high socks, and black boots probably didn't help her fade into obscurity either. She was getting more paranoid that people were following her as she approached the meeting spot. Shilo stood still, hugging herself and trying to shrink into the shadows while looking around frantically for her "date."

shilo wallace, graverobber

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