[Log, Closed] In Vino Veritas... Sorta.

Jul 15, 2009 18:27

Who: Anemone (canhazjam ) & Squalo (notolddamnit ).
Where: Squalo's (and Anemone's) apartment, Elysium
When: After this conversation.
Summary: In which Squalo tries to be a competent older brother (and fails) and Anemone tries to score some wine (and wins). Or, When Food Snobs Collide.
Rating: R-ish, maybe. For Squalo's mouth.
Other: Underage drinking is BAD. BAD, I tell you.

Squalo folded his laptop closed after one last crack at Anemone, and slid off the couch to get the doorbell. Why would they prefer to chat through the Network instead of in person, when they were both less than twenty feet apart, Squalo couldn't understand. But it was comfortable and it spared them awkward moments, so he didn't question it too much. Anemone was opening up to him still, bits by bits, and any sort of interaction that didn't end up in a tantrum or a fit of hysteria was good interaction, as far as he was concerned.

He paid the man and took the carefully wrapped containers to the kitchen. With the ease of years eating take out, Squalo served their plates and left them on the bar, before he went and messed around to find the proper wine.

He figured just a cup wouldn't mess with Anemone's medicine, and it'd cheer her up, too.

"Are you done yet?"

anemone, squalo

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