[thread;] should I be worried about you?

May 30, 2009 19:57

Who: Nataku and Flemming.
Where: Hospital.
When: Few days after this.
Summary: Visiting.
Rating: PG-13.
Other: Flemming is weird on morphine.

It was surprisingly difficult to locate Flemming's hospital room. Nataku attributed it to the fact that there seemed to still be something of a commotion over what had happened. Enough for it to be on the news, at the very least. (Which he had by luck or coincidence happened to catch while about to change the channel to something "more interesting.") The hospital attendants also seemed to be confused as to how Nataku could be the man's grandson when he did not seem old enough to have a grandson in his teens. An elaborate explanation was put on hold when some emergency apparently occurred out front. Some car crash or some other calamity, but he was not bothered as it allowed him to eventually locate and enter his "grandfather's" room.

"You are missing your arm." Nataku stated the obvious easily as it was the first thing -- or was it lack of thing -- that he noticed. "Is that not troublesome for you?" He closed the door behind him as he continued with what he was saying. "I do not like hospitals. But it would not be polite if I did not visit. Furthermore, you fixed my wrist." Held up his previously broken wrist. "Why do you do dangerous things if you do not wish to end up this way? It seems needlessly foolish to me." Ended the last comment at Flemming's bed, now quiet and waiting for answers to his inquires.

william flemming, nataku

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