
Apr 13, 2009 16:46

Who: Nishi Jouichirou, Takami Minatsuki [Open to all students and school personnel]
Where: High School, Terra
When: Lunch
Summary: Another perfect day in paradise
Rating: R

You may never get to touch the Master, but you can tickle his creatures. )

minatsuki takami, nishi jouichirou

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artifactitious April 14 2009, 10:14:31 UTC
Now, why would a class-A snuff actress from the Abyss venture into a school in Terra when her own damn lifestyle was pretty damn good? Well, maybe the little girl thought that she should actually use her damn brain for something for once - not to say she didn’t, but nonetheless. She stood outside the school gate, all donned in her new school uniform that seemed to hang a little from her small figure, and yet there was something sexual about her appearance.

Her bag was clutched to her chest, and lips trembled slightly with the nervousness that surged through her mind. Still, it was all a fucking act. Everyone liked those pretty little sluts who blushed at every goddamnit movement. And yeah, she came late, but she was cute and lost and lonely, so that was a good excuse.

It was lunch, and she journeyed into the gates, her shy frame quivered from the others that gazed at her, heat rising to her cheeks as green-brown hues flashed them a glance. Goddamnit, deep down, she wanted to rip those fuckers apart, and at the thought her shoulders shivered - others would have thought it was just the jittered, but it was that she was really sniggering silently. Once she said Nishi (unknown as to why she was drawn to him) she walked over to him, bowed her head a little and stuttered innocently, "U-Um...I’m sorry b-but...do you know where the principle’s office is...?"


kuroisekaide April 14 2009, 16:00:54 UTC
The sound of her voice irritated him into discounting chewing his food and wordlessly awaiting Minatsuki to take her leave. One interruption was his limit. Nishi's bored expression denied her existence but none of this seemed to strike a chord with the sniveling thing lingering in his peripheral vision, or perhaps his lack of tolerance had accelerated the passage of time. He filled the quiet with a brief reply,

"Fuck. Off."

A few crumbs fell to his trousers which Nishi disdained with a gaze of reserved contempt. This was her fault. He swallowed and folded his hands before him.


artifactitious April 15 2009, 07:11:26 UTC
What. Who did this cunt think he was?! Was painted clearly in her expression to hear the sudden forced profanity that he spoke. Her gaze -- for the slightest moment -- turned into something absolutely bloodlusted and murderous as lips twitched with aggravation, though one may indicate the soft gestures as being hurt when deep down, Minatsuki was ready to let it all loose and slice this motherfucker’s face off.

Still, with a cunt like this, school was just getting a bit better.

"...Ah--" He cooed softly, almost suger-sweet innocently as she rocked on the heel of her shoes. "So what? You’re one of those fucking CUNTS who won’t do a sweet little girl like me a shitty favor!?" Herself and Nishi seemed to be in their own world, ignoring the other shitbags that hanged about. "D’aww, such a meanie...and to a little girl like me on her first day~"


kuroisekaide April 15 2009, 07:45:07 UTC
The wimpy girls stare was uncharacteristically palpable, like her eyes had bored into him and would not unhinge. Now he had no inhibitions against sitting here for the reminder of lunch but the aforementioned was becoming uncomfortable. Nishi prepared to rise when a claim completely contrary to everything the new student represented in her previous deposition dropped him back onto the bench. Nishi rotated his neck, for the first time choosing to regard the source of the words fully.

Had he misheard? He was a little stupefied, but her hostile facial contortion supported the outburst. "...Right..." Nishi said out loud to himself and stood. If she wanted to go this bad, it wasn't too troublesome to oblige her. He had to wonder what was up with her personality, though. He placed his hands into his pockets and ascended the stone stairs leading back into the cafeteria. "Well, move. You'll just get lost on your own."


artifactitious April 15 2009, 09:42:28 UTC
When he stood, Minatsuki took a few timid steps back as though her wavering motions were that still holding the embodiment of innocence that played itself like a facade. Though, her own expression was graced with features that could clearly be defined as fanatic and injected with lunacy with the grin that grew to the width of her face. "Nya --" Was the soft sound of accomplishment that emerged from her lips and she started to walk besides Nishi, her hands folded against the handles of her bag behind her back. "Aw, not so fucking hard, huh?!"

Well, this was getting better already! She already tamed some stupid cunt -- and hey, who the fuck was going to believe Nishi when he was a bastard himself (Hell, first impressions were pretty damn handy) Her own steps fell in line with his own, and then her expression went back to that cute purity that drowned out the insanity.


kuroisekaide April 15 2009, 10:24:22 UTC
He had to admit there was an ulterior motive behind his assistance: as they passed the halls Nishi's eyes faintly pivoted in their narrow sockets, sweeping his surroundings for a glimpse of his blond acquaintance. Nishi would have liked to dump Minatsuki onto the killer for her brazen little comment, but unfortunately the sound of that idiotic laughter was nowhere to be heard. The principle's office was located on the second floor, he knew the path there all too well, having payed frequent visits there courtesy of aggravated teachers.

The principle had recognized Nishi's silhouette in the distorted window constructed into the door. A deep sigh drifted from the office. The meaning behind Nishi's presence was misconstrued.

"Jouichirou, again? Do you understand you are incredibly lucky to still be permitted here?"
"There is a new student; shut up and do your work," the boy replied at the door and stepped away. He reclined against a wall with his arms folded and eyes disinterestedly set on the floor.


artifactitious April 15 2009, 14:22:35 UTC
Following like the stray animal she was, she followed him up the stairs in all her little petite footsteps until she reached the principle’s office and - and she really liked how Nishi talked to the asshole. It was less trouble for her really. her grin danced along her innocent visage as she steps into the office, hands clutched to her chest as though she was nothing but the sweetest little thing that anyone could ever see.

"U-Um..." She stuttered at first as she bowed slightly to the man behind the desk. "I-I’m Minatsuki Takami and --" She explained that she was a new student. Her address was nothing but false, the names of her so-called parents as well. Fuck, this bag of shit in front of her was nothing but a goddamn pervert who gazed along Minatsuki’s figure as she wrote down details. In return, she received a schedule and with one last bow she left the office.

"Hello..." Minatsuki stammered to Nishi before her whole face lit up with that arrogant feral display, "HAHA!! I can’t believe you said that!" She cackled as occupied fingertips went to her mouth and she displayed the piece of paper to him, "--Tch. Wanna be more useful? Why don’t you show me where the fuck this class is!?" Obvious irritation strained in her voice.


kuroisekaide April 15 2009, 16:03:26 UTC
Nishi's vision had remained listlessly fixed on the ground when she had voiced her approval. His interaction with members of staff had been at the level of future low lives with no regard for the ramifications of their behavior, however his intellect had thus far successfully impeded his descent into the category of hopeless causes in the eyes of his teachers and family; it was their speck of hope for a child of worrisome mental constitution.

Why don't you stop inhaling oxygen? Nishi thought as he lifted his head, presenting a furtive, artificial smile. The new arrival had come to believe he had operated on smiles and benign intentions or she had lost her mind to order him about as a servant. A quick study of her twitching features made the latter a more plausible truth. He had allowed her to entertain the thought of him wishing to be 'useful' to her by taking her to the office in the first place - an error. Nishi had liked to think he could improve on his mistakes.

He put his hands back in his pockets and walked down the stairs, leading her to a specific destination. The student stopped by a door no more conspicuous than any other, save for the fact its number was faded and rendered unintelligible via scratches of some sharp implement. A gentleman, Nishi let her enter first and followed after. A group of older students sat on the tables. Had Nishi come alone he would undoubtedly experience an attempt at a beating but Minatuski had the kind of physique to change the priorities of men. "Treat her well." Nishi neatly closed the door upon leaving a classroom filled with scum.


artifactitious April 16 2009, 08:35:36 UTC
In this situation, in the amidst of a gang of thugs with greedy hands and waggling mouths that opens with hunger at the girl stood in, she was feeling a little like she was just fresh white meat in a decayed rusty butcher shop. Nonetheless, despite the obvious prowling that they displayed, Minatsuki turned to give Nishi a small polite bow as thanks before walking into the class and sitting down at the back. Her head was lowered with embarrassment.

That was until one of the thugs stood up, strutting his way towards her and large fingers clasped underneath her jaw, hoisting her up. He was muttering some random bullshit about how fucking cute she was and couldn’t wait until they tore her cunt open with their dicks. Those fuckheads though, they really should have bounded Minatsuki’s hands before yapping mindless threads, "F-Fucking--!!" Her voice rose when she found her body shoved on the ground, sure, she should have been shit-scared by the hands that grabbed at her body, but the only thing that came from her mouth was a deep cackle, "HAHA, ALRIGHT DUMBFUCKS!! If you want to play your stupid retarded games like that~"

Fingers ripped out jewels for her ears and in an instant those that occupied the classroom were on the ground. So much for a fucking first day. Those bastards fucking roughed up her dress and now had their putrid blood on it! At least they’d be quiet for a while. All of those fucks, lying on the ground with slashes that imprinted on soggy flesh. She quickly went to her bag, opened it and started to strip and put on a new dress -- Better to always bring two fucking pairs of clothing - then she opened the door and made her way out.


kuroisekaide April 16 2009, 23:09:08 UTC
Nishi's attention perked at the strange nature of the commotion in the room. He had thought he might hear a different modulation of voices; the agonized cries were coming fourth from the wrong party. "......" He moved to the door and pressed his hand against the glass window. The situation had definitely gone awry for his boneheaded tools of discipline, but it did not necessary mean he was at loss. He imagined she had bit off her tongue and the students were merely terrified by the sight - so why couldn't he open the door? He was not fearful, yet hesitant.

Nishi gave the wooden frame a push and furtively leaned in to gaze through the gap. He couldn't have predicted what he had saw: Minatsuki not in possession of her clothing had been of no surprise, but everything else was out of context. Nishi had no recourse but to accept what transpired as he moved back several steps and let the mechanism in the door close it by itself. He tactfully produced a pair of black gloves from between his shirt and suit and began to pull them on when Minatsuki had stepped out the room The boy greeted her with a callous smile.

"Do you want to go to class, or do you think we should, eh... kill each other now?"


artifactitious April 17 2009, 11:30:54 UTC
Idle fingers made their way to Minatsuki’s hair as she started to do them up in braids once more - fists coiled around the threaded hair and she squeezed them as though she was squeezing the demonic affect out of them. she ignored that stupid fuck. Nishi. Heh, how fucking disappointing. Did the shithead have to hire a bunch of retarded shits and just jerk off their dicks. Jeez, what a damn smart idea. The girl suffered that crap every day in the Abyss, what made this one so damn special?

"Oho. What was that?!" She snapped at Nishi as she picked up her bag again, rolling her neck in some inhumane way that made her seemed even more the lolita than she already way, "Haha!! Oh!! I get it!! You fucking DOUCHE!!" And then, she started to make her way down the abandoned hallway as though nothing had happened. "NOT WORTH IT, YOU STUPID FUCK!!" She yelled back, turning her head so she half-glanced over her shoulder with a wide shit-eating grin, "A cunt like you couldn’t get me off anyway~ do me a favor and go eat shit with your assfucking thugs!"


kuroisekaide April 17 2009, 15:10:33 UTC
Nishi's head barely lulled as obscurities were discharged his way. The boy shut his eyes and let his pursed smile extend in width. He did not believe she had the 'right' to be angry at him after squandering his time on those inane school tasks, but he could comprehend he had provoked her distaste. Save for the volume of her squeaky little voice Nishi was left entirely unaffected by her derision.

He wanted to certify she was at the end of her blabbering when he would give his input. He stood where he was with the same inscrutable expression, but before she had made it as far as the next corner the student briskly paced up to her from the side and wrapped the black material of his glove around her wrist to stop her. An immersed smile revealed his whites. His eyes possessed a fascinated glint. He asked, pronouncing the words very precisely, "What the hell did you do to them?"


artifactitious April 18 2009, 08:47:53 UTC
When the touch of fingers coiling around her slender wrist collided, the girl found herself yanking briefly at the grip before shoving herself against the nearest wall. Oh, so he was pissed at her now? Well, that made Minatsuki’s thin lips part to let out a cackle that contradicted her innocence appearance. But it was fucking hilarious! Was this guy meant to believe that she would take several dicks ramming up her ass?

She no longer resisted the grip and could only grin with that wolfish expression that danced along her petite expression. Her posture was tense and on the offensive. If he wanted to try and beat her down, then he was fucking welcome. But too bad he seemed more like the type to actually get a bunch of morons to do his work for him. And now -- now he was talking to her as though one would talk when they were scowling a stupid child! "Awww, did you really give a fuck about those shitbags!?" She cooed violently, "Ha ha ha!! What the FUCK makes me think I’ll tell you what I did!!"


kuroisekaide April 18 2009, 09:46:26 UTC
He wouldn't allow her to relinquish herself, though the risk of holding her was inciting a scene; it would have been most bothersome for his ever sinking reputation if he was established a pervert as well as an animal abuser, he wouldn't get any peace, but he really just had to know the truth behind the theatrics which occurred in that class room. It was surreal, as if her blood itself had punished the thugs.

"I'd sooner shoot myself than befriend them," Nishi explained, his tone persistently normal in the face of Minatuski's volatile personality. She was accurate in that she had little reason to explain the phenomenon to a stranger, however he had made an endeavor to change that. "My father is an important man. A deceitful girl like you will benefit from being on good terms with his son. You've got a lot to hide."


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