[THREAD] though he HAS all the toys, he's NEVER having FUN

Apr 11, 2009 01:04

Who: Crow [ mauling ] & Owl [ striginae ]
Where: TERRA ; streets near the commercial district
When: Afternoon
Summary: Hey, hey, c'mon, you remember me, don'tcha? Let's play a game. The one we played before.
Rating: T

Time passes languidly when one doesn't quite have a purpose, and early afternoon found Nagi sitting at a cafe in the quieter area of the commercial district, the table he was at graced by a small jumble of papers and a cup of coffee, an empty plate laid off to the side. And Nagi sat with elbows propped on the delicate surface, idly twirling a pen in his fingers as he read over the sheets, one by one. All of them, files having to do with re-employment at the Terra school. Of course, the position he'd held before had long since been filled back up, and he wasn't exactly welcome, seeing how sudden his departure had been -- but there was a position in the high school humanities department open that he was qualified for, and he certainly had been well-liked before he left, so. Well.

Letting out a small sigh, Nagi shuffled the papers back in some semblance of order, skimming through the pile one last time. Wondering, vaguely, if this was the right thing to do. It was strange, to be sure, returning to a normal life like this so soon after -- death and purchase. Most people would be more perturbed, wouldn't they? Especially if this process entailed an enormous memory gap that easily spanned several months. But then, but then -- Nagi couldn't help but feel that that was perhaps an issue better left alone. A gut instinct, of sort. An instinctive feeling of dread. Maybe this return to his previous job, and a pleasant environment would help him shake off this discomfort.

Distracted by these thoughts, he glanced absently out the window, spinning the pen in his fingers. Watching the people who went passing by.

senji kiyomasa, kengamine nagi

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