Who: Johan Liebert
bezejmenny & Yoh Takami
coercerWhere: Shopping district of Elysium
When: Afternoon?
Summary: Yoh's memories were messed up and he believes that Johan is is father. They'll finally get the chance to meet.
Rating: PG
Other: Nothing.
He wasn't in China Town so that didn't mean he had to "behave" right? Inside the mini mall section of Elysium, Yoh wandered around curious and did his best to not be noticed. At least if he was being noticed, just as a regular shopper. He eyed a pocket watch that had been sitting on the display stand as if he were a hungry dog longing for a piece of meat.
"It was a good thing I wore long sleeves today." he thought in the back of his mind. He casually walked up to pick up the pocket watch. Although as people walked by, he pretended to examine it. Once the crowd of people had grew smaller, Yoh leaned his hand back and managed to slide the pocket watch down his sleeve.
Once that was accomplished, he began to walk out towards the exit.