I guess one should see it coming when you bond with someone at geek cam- I mean the Lampeter Summer Workshop in Latin and Greek over anime and Lewis Caroll that geekiness will form a great part of your friendship. Which I call no bad thing. But I felt the need to share with you this really choice half hour or so of really priceless geekery.
Apologies to those of you sensitive to a bit of chatspeak... I've given up trying to train people out of it.
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:39):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:40):
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:40):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:40):
It's goood. I have coca cola. Is aaaaall good.
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:40):
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:41):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:41):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:41):
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:43):
i prob cud get some, but i cant be arsed at the mo
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:43):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:44):
(Fair enough, in normal English)
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:44):
I'm never sure if other people will understand 'fairy snuff'... it's fairly specialist Nadiaspeak...
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:44):
btw i get the dragon fruit
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:45):
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:45):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:45):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:45):
Well, I'm having starfruit, passionfruit and lychees.
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:45):
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:46):
i get the maderins and satsumas
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:47):
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:47):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:48):
Anyway! I just remembered, you can't have them. I stole all citrus fruit last night!
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:48):
dam i thought u had forgot
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:48):
XD I almost did. Bad luck.
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:49):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:50):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:50):
In which case, I'm having dragonfruit... >.>
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:51):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:51):
Alright... perhaps that was not worth a try.
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:53):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:53):
Nuh fair! You're bigger than me!
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:54):
*sends flying monkeys to steal them*
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:55):
*gets out the large broom to bat them out of the sky*
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:55):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:55):
Oh no! My faithful minions!
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:55):
Cuuurse yooou *waves fist vaguely*
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:56):
*starts drawing a summoning circle*
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. Says (22:56):
: o
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:56):
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:57):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:57):
*uses Rite of Summoning* Oh wait... I need at least three party members for that...
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:57):
Um... *summons Voidwalker and Felsteed!*
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:57):
Total cast time, about five seconds.
thesnarkisaboojum says (22:58):
*summons dijinn, and hell spawn*
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:58):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (22:59):
*casts demon armour and soulstone*
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:00):
casts firestorm and calls wind elementals
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:00):
*casts rain of fire and hellfire*
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:01):
Granted, I'm down to about two hundred mana now... but still.... >.>
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:01):
*draws stone of protection and summons etheral armour*
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:01):
*casts life tap, regens mana, activates scroll of protection*
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:02):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:02):
: P
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:03):
*cast vampiric blow and summond cerberus*
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:04):
*casts curse of agony, immolation and corruption in order to boost her drain life ability*
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:05):
*casts shroud of invisability and summons showdow steed
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:06):
*casts perception to counteract invisibility and summons felguard*
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:06):
*sows dragons teeth and waits*
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:08):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:08):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:09):
*casts enslave demon and takes control of cerberus*
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:10):
*draws spear of light and slays cerberus*
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:13):
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:13):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:14):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:14):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:14):
*activates shards of Narsil*
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:16):
*calls upon the Nazgul on winged things*
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:16):
...*calls upon the Knights Who Say Ni*
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:16):
*distracts them with shrubberies*
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:17):
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:17):
*Calls upon the Spainish Inquistion*
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:17):
Damn, I never expected that. >.>
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:18):
*summons succubus to distract you with her wiles*
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:19):
*summons inccubus to distract you*
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:19):
*then calls the in th Snark*
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:20):
*throws pokeball* Jaberwock, I choose you!
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:20):
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:21):
I invoke the power of the Lobster Quadrille!
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:22):
And in case you want to surrender now and save yourself the humiliation of defeat, I'm about to pull out moves from Yugioh...
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:22):
i call tweedle de and tweedle dum
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:24):
I call the Carpenter and the Walrus, there by creating a paradox with your Tweedle De and Tweedledum, banishing all four from the field.
thesnarkisaboojum says (23:25):
I call the butcher and the beaver
Nadia: She'll ask for the truth but she'll never believe you. says (23:25):
I summon BLUE-EYES WHITE DRAGON in attack mode!
It went on a little longer - he played a card face down and Dark Magician in defense mode, I played Swords of Revealing Light and exposed his spell card... not as dodgy as it sounds. Anyway... yeah.... <3
Oh, and by the way, in case you couldn't work it out, this started because for reasons even I can't remember we decided to divide up all the fruit in the world between us - but it's not a very fair or equal system of division; it basically consists of calling shotgun on stuff. It had something to do with Mike not liking pears, to begin with....