Aug 27, 2008 23:17
The things I find myself reading really amuse me from time to time. I love suddenly realising I've read the following and thought nothing unusual about it.
"In general we recognize that using their with a singular antecedent is “wrong,” but we instinctively want to do it. Does that make us bad writers or bad people?"
Bad people for misusing a pronoun? Well, duh, as any proud member of "I Judge You When You Use Bad Grammar" knows. Quid plura dicit? I enjoy realising how strange I must seem to a lot of people. Gives life that little bit more purpose.
On the same site:
"Just ask to a friend what is the role of prepositions within sentences, or what are the four moods of verbs, and I am sure that you will see a puzzled look on his face."
Is it wrong that I was tempted to leave a comment listing the four verb moods?
And because I have to get it out or it will kill me... "ask to a friend" What is this extranious 'to' doing???