I'm seriously debating dropping CS61A ): If I choose to focus on 3D animation classes, which I probably will, I can't fit in CS major/minor reqs anyway, so taking 61A would purely be for my enjoyment. And it's kind of a huge time investment so practically speaking I'd be better off spending time on getting a job, learning maya, and building a portfolio.
but bawwwwwwwwwwww I REALLY WANT TO TAKE IT. We started "programming" in scheme this morning (e.g. I made like a 4-8 line thing that picks the largest 2 numbers of 3, squares, then adds them together. hahaha really simple), AND IT'S FUN. SO FAR.
But I really gotta make a decision to bail or not before I start investing a lot of time. sadness. I'm going to do the homework for now though, and decide by next week.
I WANTED TO TRY REPLACING IT WITH KOREAN but after I sat in for a class which was pretty much perfect for my level, the instructor told me there's a very slim chance of me getting in since the class already has too many people.
thennnn the stupid tablet I ordered to Jill's dorm (my apartment isn't the best for receiving packages) got sent under MY NAME even though I specifically put JILL'S NAME on it. I WAS REALLY WORRIED THAT THE MAIL PEOPLE IN THE DORMS WOULD SEND IT BACK WITH A "SOOYUN CHOI DOESN'T LIVE HERE" SORT OF DEAL.
then I got too distracted and forgot to hand in my kanji homework even though I did it early. oh sob.
But then I went into the art building to spend about 4 hours to finish up my painting project (bee-tee-double-you I'm in the class now!! epic). It's a pretty simple prompt: make a grid on a canvas, fill it in with as many different colors as you can, don't make patterns. I thought it'd be boring, but I kind of ended up liking mine heh hehhh.
(oh hey my legs are in the picture how embarassinggggg)
I subtly put in a pattern though. kind of. shhhh.
I've been in a good mood since. HA I guess I'm just really easy to please. (or just unpredictable and crazy)
I was thinking of taking a decal (student-taught classes) since dropping cs61a would put my units to 13 (minimum to be a full-time student loll every semester I'm playing in extremes srsly), and i was interested in MAGIC until I read the
description. Not what I thought. OH WELL IT CONFLICTS ANYWAY.
I WANT TO TEACH IN PRISON but I need to be at least 21. this is lame.