
Feb 21, 2005 15:26

Today sucked ass. No one cares about JOhnny. No one gives a shit. I'm tired of it. I'm going to become a royal asshole. I will turn into a dick. Why? Why not? Why should I bend over backwards for people who just want to make my life harder to make theirs easier? And no I'm not talking about a shitty boss or some shithead cutting me off in traffic. No, I'm not talking about the very people who supposedly care about me.
Today I wanted to chill and then take care of my math and history homework. That's all I wanted. But guess what? No. I had to do laundry, vaccuum, load stuff, take my mom's car to the shop, go to the hardware store, home depot, and bitched at.
My dad gets me to do this shit. I walk in with all my books and papers and he looks at me as if I just ruined his day with a hint of confusion. It's as if he's thinking, "What's with all those books? What do they have to do with doing housework?" Complete ignoring that I have to do work. So, I figure, alrighty, I'll take care of it later.
I get a call from Maira and tell her I'm not in the mood and it's going badly. She's understanding and asks me to call her later. I was going to talk to her about everything because she is the one person I can vent to.
She calls me asking me if I'm really busy today. I know then my life just got harder. She wanted me to go to her house in Doral to notarize her lease. Not the day to do this. So, she says no problem, forget it. Well, she calls back. Apparently her dad knows no notaries. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT KNOW A SINGLE NOTARY PUBLIC IF YOU WORK AT A FUCKING BANK? MIND YOU, A FUCKING DOWNTOWN BANK WITH MORE THAN 2 FLOORS. So, this has made my day shittier. So, I say, looky, fax it to my mom's job since I have to go get her anyway, I sign, I fax it to her dad, he signs, he mails, end of story. You would think, "Hey, not a bad idea. Saves time and effort." BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Can't do that. The lady has her dad's fax; it would be suspiscious with another number. Ummmm how so? What's the big deal? Are they tracking these things? Are they in cohoots with Homeland Security? So, this has gotten me even more hot. I'm just like fuck this.
Well, Maira decides to be like, "Oh I'll make your day harder if you don't chill." Not a very smart thing to say to someone already steaming to hell.
Dude, her fucking dad is a lazy fuck or inconsiderate or just a plain prick. I swear I was going to call him and be like, "I don't appreciate how you would make me drive from my house, on my day off, to Doral to sign a fucking paper that you can easily and expeditiously acquire down the hall of your office. You work at a bank. Banks carry notary publics like they do money. It's like a basic requirement. I've seen BAnk of America tellers notarize shit in the middle of the hood. You're telling me this extravagant downtown bank has not one? I'm sure if you raised your hand in the lobby and said, "Hey I need a notary you'd have 10 people offer their services." I just didn't appreciate that shit. It's bullshit. I'm having a shitty ass day and it's compounded with more inconsiderate fuckers. Then I get all kinds of words from Maira. 24 hours, but do it on FRiday or whatever. "Oh this is what you get for being a notary." HA! I didn't pay money and take a 3 hour test to be treated like a rag doll. Take into consideration that I could easily charge her dad and be a dick about it and quite frankly I should since "I" Would be the one driving to HIS house to sign HIS document. HE should give me the fucking gas money, labor, notary charge, and punitive damages.
Fuck it, you know. I'm tired of it all. I'm just going to say no. If people want to be dicks and be like, "Oh you're no help." and count it against me, fuck em. They didn't care to begin with. It shouldn't work out where the person who is doing the favor has to bear the entire burden. THEY SHOULD COME TO ME.
YOu know what, if I needed a notary I'd have to go get one. And I know exactly where to go: NOT MAIRA'S DAD'S BANK.
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