I think I've got a terminal case of the SUCKINESS!! Yesterday I was so exhausted after class, I crawled into bed and went to sleep. It was around 7 PM. I didn't get out of bed until just recently... 11:30 the next day. WHY AM I SLEEPING SO MUCH, LATELY?!
I woke up for a few hours in the middle of the night to beat Phoneix Wright 3. It was sad to beat the series.. now that it's completely over. I shed a few tears, I admit it! Haha. i decided to get it all done at once, to have ONE LESS THING distracting me from updating.
Today is a national holiday in Japan-- meaning nooo class! Normally that would mean staying in my room all day and working, but... SOMETHING CAME UP!.
It's a true story, by the way. I'm soooorrry, dear readers, but I can't resist the allure of a maid cafe! I'll make it up to you guys somehow. Being in Japan has not been great for my comic, ha..