I'm so in denial about how hellish my week is going to be... I've done NOTHING all weekend but lay in bed and mope. .. And play Phoenix Wright. Oh, and I supposed I did pull an all-night partytime on Friday night. But .. I didn't get ANY work done this weekend.. and I've got class in less than eight hours. Siiigh, when will I learn?
FIRST OF ALL! A random comic about a dream I had with Megan in it. (When I say Megan, I mean the artist of YU+ME. If you don't know what that is, I wonder how you came to be reading this...?)
FULL COMIC UNDER THE CUT. (worksafe, of course)
I think I dreamed about this because I was thinking, yesterday, about how I'd really like to do a guest comic for YU+ME. Then I started to feel guilty about how I'm missing so many updates lately, so I just went to bed instead.
I'm working on the next page, but it's just one of those pages that I can't seem to get .. right. Lately I've been having a lot of problems with planning the pages, they just don't come to be easily like they used to. It's annoying! I'm stuck on a few panels that I don't wanna mess up.. ah well, I'll try to get it up soon.
I was working on a cute donation-wallpaper starring the whole crew yesterday.. then comicworks crashed and I lost the whole thing. Oops. I don't make a habit of saving in Comicworks much, because it NEVER fails on me. Guess I'll have to change that habit. I need to get a page done first, anyway.