You're Not Alone Chapter Two

Aug 18, 2007 00:36

With the new layout, you have to go into the entry in order to see the fiction.  I know, and I'm trying to fix it right now.  Just click the post comment thing an you'll be able to see the fiction.  I'm sorry.

Name: You're Not Alone Chapter Two

Authoress: Princess Tsubame

Pairing: Ichigo x Nemu

Notes: This is an Altenate Universe fiction.  Other than that, please enjoy, of course.

Chapter Title: Break the Chain

Summary: Kurosaki Ichigo is the owner of a highly wanted organization/company that controls many big name companies.  He gained this company from his mother, who had recently passed away, and his first title of trade is with the Vice-Chairman of Research in the company, Kurotsuchi Mayuri.  The trade is for his daughter, Kurotsuchi Nemu, who is the same age of Ichigo. And who sais meetings were always easy?


Ichigo sat in his office, aggitated as to what to do.  His new secretary was trying her best to help, but it was getting no where with ichigo persistent and instistent stubborness.  And so, Nemu eded up sitting in front of Ichigo, waiting for the next order to be thrown at her.

Ichigo looked up from his work and smiled lightly.

"Nemu-chan, how about you and I go out for lunch?"


"Yes...It's decided!  Let's go out for lunch!"

"S-Sir...?" Ichigo dragged Nemu off with him to the nearby Starbucks.  He ordered something spicy while she got a lemon cake.  They ate, but not in silence.

"So, Nemu-chan, how old are you?"

"Th-the same as you, Ichigo-sama."

"I see...what kind of cake do you like here?  Is it just lemon?"


"Hmmm.....So, Mayuri's your dad huh?"


"That must really suck.  You've got a really screwed up father!"

"O-oh...!  Please don't say that!  I really do love him, it's just...!"

"Just...?" Ichigo was very interested as to what Nemu had to say.  Nemu blushed at Ichigo's stare at fiddled with her fingers.

"Well, you see...he wasn't always like this, you know?  He was usually always kind, my mother says...until i was born...He wanted a male child...not a female..."

"I see..."


"You just got caught up in the crossfire..." Ichigo sighed and chucked his coffee down his throat and grinned at the depressed Nemu. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you!!  I promise!"

"Wha...?" Nemu stared at her boss--the boss of the entire company.  Really, she had no idea what kind of person this man in front of her was.  Was he nice?  Was he cruel?  Nemu didn't know just yet...But, did she want to know who this person was?  A person who would smile at her every time she came to see him...every time she looked at him?

I'm sorry it's short, but it's 12:47 and I'm tired...bed time for me after attempting to change the layout!


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