[FANART] Two Men & A Starship Illustration (Kirk, Spock & leg-gnawing rock-creatures / PG-13)

Jun 28, 2009 15:57

Rating: PG-13.
#01: Drawn as an illustration for Scorching Monotony, part 01 of inell's new series 'Two Men and a Starship'.
Warning: reading that series leads to inevitable addiction to her fanfic ;)
#02: I think I went a bit wild with the shading.


'Damn it, Spock. I told you to go back to the ship,” he mutters as another of the beasts pounces on his leg. He tries to shake it off because he’s busy shooting the dozen others that are too close for comfort, but the damn thing has its teeth holding firm into his skin through the his pants. He looks up as Spock reaches them, phaser out and not even a flicker of surprise showing at seeing the things chasing them.' -- Sorching Monotony by Inell.

~ fanart: star trek, ~ star trek: spock, ~ star trek: kirk, ~ illustrating: inell

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