[FANART] The Art Of Evading Hyposprays (Kirk/McCoy / PG-13)

Jun 27, 2009 21:45

Rating: PG-13.
#01: There's a hint of a tattoo, handcuffs, a kiss, again the lack of shirt and a thoroughly scandalized Nurse Chapel. Consider yourself warned.
#02: Drawn for the Kirk/McCoy fic and art challenge at kirk_mccoy (Prompt #04: 'Anything involving handcuffs (or the ST equivalent) and tattoos!)'
#03: There's a little drabble to the picture, too! Beware!
#04: In case you're wondering, Bones is holding a hypospray. Just saying ;)

Jim Kirk was a master of escapes. He had turned finding excuses to cut his physical examination short into an art form, stopping short of nothing to get as much space as possible between any part of his body and the bane of his existence - the hypospray.

Today, however, Bones had a plan of his own. For once diverting his most difficult patient by going with the inevitable flirting, McCoy used the barest hint of distraction to strike. There was the sound of metal against metal, followed by a gasp.

"You...handcuffed me to the bed?!?"

Bones allowed himself a triumphant smile. "Told you we'd get that physical done completely next time." He paused, relishing the moment before picking up the hypospray once again. It was vaccine time.

"But...handcuffs?" Kirk asked, eying Bones whose attention was still captured by the hypospray speculatively.

"Yes, Jim. Handcuffs." Bones snapped in exasperation, fiddling with the troublesome medical instrument. Something was stuck there.

"Well, if that's what gets you all hot and bothered." Kirk shrugged nonchalantly and caught Bones' gaze. The doctor barely had a moment to register a devilish smile on Kirk's face before the younger man leaned in and placed a solid kiss on his lips.

Turned out Kirk had accidentally mistaken Bones' intention with the handcuffs.

~ star trek: christine chapel, ~ fanart: star trek, ~ fanfic: star trek, ~ star trek: 'bones' mccoy, ~ star trek: kirk

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