This week I 'ave been mostly eatin' ... paella

Feb 05, 2012 23:39

fair ball by snuffnyc
Rizzoli & Isles
Part two of a series, but I like the banter in this part best.

no competition by fialka
Rizzoli & Isles
Good voices. Funny

like a fish needs a bicycle by netgirl_y2k
Morgana, Arthur
Morgana and her sexuality, Morgana and her relationship with Arthur. Very well written, sparse with lots of meaning in the bits left unsaid. I've been a bit weird here and recced the DVD commentary instead of the fic, I still think it works, provided you don't mind mixing a bit of meta in with your storytelling, I like the extra insight it gives you.

open the door by renay
Teen Wolf
Stiles/Derek [oblivious!fic]
Great Stiles voice, not at all overdone. He's nice and oblivious as well, which is always fun.

the politician's wifeby pir8fancier
Harry Potter
I love these middle-aged, life not going as expected, boring marriage, whirlwind affair type future fics. They're both recognisable in their adult counterparts, Hermione's still ethical and somewhat stodgy, and Draco's clever and ruthless. A nice 'Englishness' to Hermione's POV. Occasionally slim on the description, but very good banter.

lab rats and tin soldiers by dancinbutterfly
X-Men FC/Avengers
Steve/Bucky, Erik, Peggy, Howard [pulling on the heartstrings]
Nice steady pacing. Focus mostly on Erik, though Steve and Bucky have some to themselves at the beginning of part two. Lovely characterisation throughout, especially Peggy through Erik's eyes.

"It takes Erik a moment to respond because Peggy Carter is radiant to the point of distraction ... He would take any test she set in front of him and fight for every question just for her approval."

Despite the fact all the emotional punches follow canon and are therefore not 'surprising,' they're really well written -- gathering up all your heartstrings and delivering a sharp tug.

(all [long!fics])

grande soy triple dirty chai by friskaz
Harvey/Mike [Coffee!shop!au]
Best kind of Barista fic, fluffy and yummy and full of coffee and cakes

my brother's keeper by closer
Donna and Harvey are siblings AU. Where their younger brother is played by Matt Bomer. MMMM. Plus Harvey and Mike are first deliciously oblivious then deliciously angsty for a very long time.

imprimatur by Closer
Harvey/Mike [soulbonding!fic]
Oh the lovely oblivious fools. I love the safety of soul-bonding fics. The way they can let go and love completely because they'll never fall out of love. It's the definition of magical.

pizza and a movie by Closer, also Donna's POV and Harvey's POV
Pizza boy AU. Yummy, yummy banter. Lots of different things brought out through the different POVs. Despite being the same storyline 3 times over, the differing angles keep it fresh.

the new deal by Closer
Harvey, Mike
Teenage runaway AU -- both of them recognisable, but very young. It's adorable. (Not slash)

floor 37 by Closer
Mike, OMC, Harvey [secret!identity!fic]
The one where Mike accidentally works for the boss. I love me some mistaken identity fic. Nice Michael characterisation, very hard-working and earnest.

a series of covert disasters by Closer
The one where Mike & co get hit with a string of disasters. Solid falling in love shippy fic. Nice slow build

** You may notice most of these are written by Closer. That's a hint. (Translation: go read everything Closer's written).

ghostlight by norgbelulah
Justified/SPN [crossover]
Neat meshing of worlds, rings true. The Boyd/Raylan dynamic is perfect, a good blend of antagonism and friendship. I love that Loretta and Raylan hang out.

dallased by lorax
Community [pretty damn funny]
OH GOD THIS IS AWESOME. The Firefly one just killed all my Firefly love (Chang as Wash? Make it stop) but Troy WOULD cry at the ending. HIS EMOTIONS. I need to find more Community fic. When the voices are right, they're the bestest, funniest things ever, and this fic is SPOT ON.

you'll find the bright places by blackeyedgirl
Coulson [kid!fic]
The one where all the Avengers get de-aged and Coulson is awesome. Guys. Coulson is THE SHIT. I don't think this can be said enough. THERE WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH COULSON FIC IN THE WORLD.

to the victor the spoil by annakovsky
Hunger Games
Katniss/Haymitch [crying now]
This is horrible, really, grind you down into tiny pieces, sad-making. A brilliant, depressing, realistic look at how things would play out had they not gone the way of the book. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Übermorgen hol ich mir der Königin ihr Kind by waldorph
Once Upon a Time
Rumpelstiltskin, OC
Can this just be canon please? Can we have a positive representation of adoptive parents on this show please? His daughter runs the risk of sounding Mary Sue-ish, but I think she comes off as plain awesome.

condonare by etirabys
XMFC/Hannibal Rising
Charles/Hannibal/Erik [creepifying]
Shivery, creepy, awesome, but then anything with Hannibal would be. He's really great in this. Fucked up and focused. And Charles stuck in the middle, trying to understand them both and wanting Hannibal despite everything. Not so keen on the final line, but everything else is pitch perfect.


searching for something that makes hearts move by mazily
Pash's voice really works here, an outsider enough that the audience connects, but not too much, so the characterisation all rings true with what we saw in the movie. I really like her reaction to Smashley. Mostly though, I love Maggie, actually fell in love with her over the course of the fic. Somewhat abrupt ending.

it's a conversation by sprat
OH HOT. I love Maven through Bliss' eyes, in a similar way to the rec above, the POV is pitch perfect, and through Bliss' POV we get to fall for Maven. Though it's a lot sharper and more lust-filled, which makes sense considering the object of affection in question!

the first time by elementalv
Good Bliss POV: unsure and nervy, trying to work out what she wants, or more, knowing what she wants and working up the nerve to go for it.


Rizzoli and Isles
skinny genes by charmax
Adorable friendly, funny, shippy vid


why Cara was awesome by trobadora
Legend of the Seeker
All very true, they took the 'evil badass, joins the scoobies' character, and played her exactly right. Plus they didn't screw up her bisexuality. WIN ALL ROUND.

meta on reccing by kiki_eng
Very interesting look into recs as fanworks and where reccing might fit in fandom.

fandom: justified, [oblivious!fic], [soulbonding!fic], fandom: avengers, fandom: legend of the seeker, [pulling on the heartstrings], pairing: femslash, [long!fic], fandom: harry potter, [secret!identity!fic], non-fic: vids, pairing: het, pairing: gen, pairing: slash, fandom: whip it, fandom: teen wolf, fandom: merlin, [crying now], [coffee!shop!au], fandom: community, fandom: x-men, fandom: supernatural, fandom: hannibal rising, non-fic: meta, [pretty damn funny], [crossover], [creepifying], fandom: hunger games, fandom: rizzoli and isles, [kid!fic], fandom: once upon a time

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