This week I 'ave been mostly eatin' ... pak choi

Jan 11, 2012 00:54

the last post by rheanna
Meta [creepifying]
Epic weird, wonderful and very creepy.

the tragedy of fidelia and mordecai by pitseleh
Doctrine of Labyrinths
Mildmay, Cardenio
The Mildmay voice is perfect, and the relationship between the two friends is lovely. The snippets of Melusine you get to see all ring true.

a life in knives by paxlux
Supernatural [outsider pov]
OC, Sam, Dean
Ruthie is the only survivor of a werewolf attack, she insiste Sam and Dean take her with them and learns to becom a hunter. Awesome outside pov on Sam and Dean. Ruthie's a great character, the good kind of OC, believable and layered and fitting very neatly into the canon.

love cuts like a knife by waketosleep
Hawaii Five-0 [crossover-fusion] with Dexter [emotional kick]
Short and packs quite a punch. Perfect ending

all in by arsenicjade
Harvey/Mike [slave!fic]
Harvey wins Mike in a poker game. Now he just has to figure out what to do with him.
Nice and long, some classic slave!fic cliches, but done very well. Canon knowledge isn't needed.

shell by cissasghost
Very in character-- her disgust and fear and confusion at being thrown into a world she doesn't understand.

in-needed metaphors by preromantics
Abed/Troy [intoxicated!fic] [yummy happy] [pitch perfect]
Abed's mental voice is perfect. The whole thing is very sweet and fluffy. Abed is deliciously dense.

winner takes all by toestastegood
Fright Night
Jerry/Charley [non-con]
Very very hot, not so keen on the non-con aspect, but the build up and domination is so hot.

make whole what has been smashed by Charli J
Sherlock/John [au] [interesting idea]
The one where Sherlock lives backwards. Complex, twisty and very satisfying. I was in a short-attention span mood, flicking through a whole load of fics, but this, despite its length and need for the reader to focus, managed to grab me and suck me right in. Engrossing and very well written.

performance in a leading role by mad_lori
Sherlock/John [au] [long!fic]
Where they're both actors. I'm not one for established relationships or talking about feelings, so I ended up skipping a chunks from after they got together, but the lead up was great. I love the insider-feel to the setting. The whole thing is meticulously researched. The first part, with the filming, was all wonderful, and the later press related parts are great as well. I got very choked up when reading all the touching 'being true to yourself' bits about them and their relationship. The characterisation is very well done, still recogniseable and there are some wonderful lines. I love the minor characters as well, Harry, Sally, Clara, but especially Irene.

by any other word by loranna
Downton Abbey
Dreamy and bittersweet.

play by doveheart
Downton Abbey
Love that piano playing is a Thomas/William cliche. I love the emotional detail in William's POV, the backstory and the way he feels now, all very seamless.

resonances by LadySilver
Teen Wolf
Just beautiful. Dreamy and emotional, interesting idea. there needs to be more Derek/Jackson

the runaround by ferretbaby
Teen Wolf
I LOVE Derek's utter confusion here, it's adorable.

what are we building here by piper
Teen Wolf
Pack dynamics and Stiles/Derek dynamics, very warm and yummy

winter over by downjune
Absolutely gorgeous. It feels very Wintry. The world is so well researched and detailed. The cast is lovely, but Sulu is especially brilliant, calm and competent and very real.

once upon a time by igrockspock
Gaila + Chapel, Nyota
This is gorgeous, most especially the last paragraph, really touching. I love Chapel's character, and I love that Nyota and Gaila connect more easily.

stiff upper lip by pyreneeees
Harry Potter
Augusta Longbottom [crying now]
This is utterly gorgeous. It had me tearing up. The Augusta pov is perfect, unbending, prickly and standoffish but so supportive and loving underneath. And the outsider look on the metamorphosis of Neville Longbottom from child to man is just brilliant.

les jours tristes by anon
Harry Potter
Luna, Narcissa
Luna interviews Narcissa post war. Gorgeous character study of them both. POV perfectly catches Luna's mindset and mental voice.


magnetic by boombangbing
Steve/Pepper/Tony [yummy happy] [fuck yeah]
Classic epic believable long Avengers fic. I love these and hope people keep on writing them. Part one is adorable UST and Steve being adorkable and sweet. Wanting so much and trying to untangle exactly what it is he wants, TOny being Tony. And Pepper organising everything in that awesome way. Part two is more Pepper being awesome. Very awesome. And part three, despite being Tony POV is very 'Go Team!'

stockholm syndrome and other drugs by alchemy alice
Coulson [yummy happy]
Coulson love! Yes please! Lovely Coulson voice, dry and long-suffering and sweet.

falling like a flip of a coin by paxlux
Loki/Thor [incest]
Lovely snatches of their memories showing through, love the inexorable build of their relationship, all passionately violent and violently passionate. Love Loki/Lock and his sharp tongue. The ending makes it though, delightfully heratbreaking.

under ether by Lunik
Lovely Loki characterisation hot and ocd and slightly terrifying. Darcy is, of course, wonderful.

kink meme made them do it by lunik_the_bard
Darcy/Loki (eventually) WIP [fuck yeah], [pitch perfect]

oh god, she’s in high school. This is high school all over again, and guys as hot as Loki don’t want the girl who wears glasses and has dumb hair. This is just like high school, except with more potential to get murdered.

I try not to rec WIPs but this is just perfect. The voices, the dynamic. Yummy and funny and hot. And the whole kink-meme meta aspect is spot on.

feathering the nest by Lunik
OH LOKI. You are adorable.


the lies you live by alyse
Blade Trinity
Abby/King [long!fic] [intense] [ust] [hurt/comfort]
Hurt/comfort-ish but not exactly. The opening scene is lovely and tense, the pace calms for the gradual progress from enemy to friend, and then picks up again as the plot starts to twist. Nice fast pacing towards the end, kept me up late readong. Lots of lovely character/relationship manouvering throughout - trust vs betrayal. Really nice work on the main three of Abby/King/Frank. Lovely slow build of the relationship, with lots of UST and very hot, sparky, sex.

while we have oceans by alyse
Great characterisation, nice quiet interlude but with an undertone of tension.

spiralling by alyse
Hot hot hot. Undercover in the queue for a nightclub.

Check out all of alyse's Blade fic. She's got a great hold on Abby and King's characterisation.

a little less conversation by ginandironic
King/Dean [crossover]
Very hot little crossover. I like King, cocky and in control. Seeing a less in control Dean is unusual.

claim by MidKnight2501
King/Drake [intoxicated!fic] [dub con]

chains that bind by Kris
King/Drake [concealed!identity!fic] (kinda)
I like the insiduous way Drake takes control of King.

legacy of the fallen by Kris
King/Drake, King, Deacon, Drake, Blade [insanity] [non-con] [dub-con]
noncon/dub con depending on how you look at it. Not a happy King/Drake fic. Nice and long and plotty. I like the craziness in King's head.

blood magic and a shade of infinite by manic_intent
King/Drake [au] where King is still a vamp.
Good banter from King, very sexy blood/desire elements. Solid characterisation.

the morning after/the night before by sangga
King [pitch perfect]
The disjointed structure, out of chronological order, emphasises how King felt after getting the cure as well as the time after the Daystar, both game changing moments with a weird re-ordering of priorities following after. This catches the atmosphere very well.


glittering cloud by TxlSplash
"Don't blame me, I can't help what I am... (Lord knows I've tried to)
BOOOOOMMEEEEERRRRR! Perfect, lyric matching to scenes. Very epic and heartbreaking. OH GOD BOOMER. WHY SO TRAGIC.

sorrow by greensilver
Captain America
OH STEVE. Very clearly articulated vid showing everything Steve's lost. Very sad, very poignant. I really love the way the vid is structured, the build up for each of his losses, the framing through use of fade to blacks and then the final repetition of black and white scenes to really bring it home.

to the dogs or whoever by greensilver
Once Upon a Time
Charming/Snow White
I'm not all that invested in their relationship in the show. It's sweet and fun but it hasn't hit me. This vid however... SO SWEET. I love how vids can do that, cut out all the blather and give a pure emotional hit

Harry Potter feat. Glitch Mob by Grable 424
Harry Potter
I always thought HP would go well to Glitch mob, all those laser-like fight scenes. I'm not 100% won over by the canon audio used in the vid, but it's not that it's badly done, just not a technique I'm keen on. The vid itself is very slick; jerky and sharp and perfect to the music.

fandom: doctrine of labyrinths, [intoxicated!fic], crossover, pairing: threesome, [dubcon], [intense], [non-con], non-fic: vids, fandom: sherlock, pairing: het, fandom: blade, fandom: community, fandom: underworld, [incest], [insanity], fandom: supernatural, fandom: dexter, fandom: once upon a time, [crossover-fusion], [ust], fandom: star trek xi, [slave!fic], fandom: avengers, [emotional kick], fandom: fright night, fandom: downton abbey, fandom: hawaii five-0, fandom: battlestar galactica, [pitch perfect], fandom: harry potter, [yummy happy], [long!fic], [hurt/comfort], fandom: meta, pairing: slash, pairing: gen, [crying now], [au], fandom: teen wolf, [creepifying], [interesting idea], fandom: suits, [fuck yeah], fandom: captain america, [outsider pov]

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